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In this section you will find dreams and their assessment in relation to death and survival

Dream about abduction and torture

I have rarely remembered dreams, throughout my whole life. I could probably count on one hand the number of times I’ve been able to remember a dream so, waking up from sleep in the middle of the night BECAUSE of a dream I was having, was quite unusual. I should have gotten up and written about it then but, didn’t so, now the details are kind of sketchy…

I don’t know where I was going or coming from but, I was driving, at night. All of a sudden, a bright spotlight was shining on the car – from up above. Then, a barricade, of sorts, was ‘shot’ into the road in front of me, forcing me to stop. It was like giant swords were shot down into the pavement, in quick succession, forming a line across the road. So I pulled to the side of the road, stopped and got out of the car. When I looked up, there were these dudes in camo uniforms dropping to the ground on ropes/lines from a helicopter. I was like – WTF? Then, I was grabbed and told I was coming with them. I didn’t ride in the helicopter – some vehicle took me to a building I didn't recognize and I was led to the door and instructed to knock. A female answered the door and, she was grabbed and taken too (don’t know who she was). As we were taken away from the doorway, I noticed a male -that looked like one of my brothers - had come to the door and looked out for a second then ducked back in, as if he was hiding. We were then taken to some kind of military facility.

I didn’t resist these people, as I realized there would be no point and, because I was certain that there had been some kind of mistake – there had to have been because, I just couldn’t imagine that ‘I’ had done anything ‘wrong'- After all, I’m a law abiding citizen. It just didn’t make any sense. There was a lot of commotion at this facility – lots of people coming and going - and we were taken to a big metal building. There was an office in the middle of a big open area where I assumed I’d get a chance to talk to someone in charge to clear up this misunderstanding. The female was bound and gagged and laying on a bench. I was just sitting there waiting to talk to someone. No one had told me why I was brought here. No one had ‘read me my rights’ so, I figured I wasn’t being arrested. I was still clueless.

I never got the chance to talk to anyone in authority. This husky young Brian Bozworth looking guy – mid twenties – came and took me to this arena type area. It was like one of those cage fighting scenes, reminiscent of “Mad Max, Thunderdome”, surrounded by bleacher seats filled with all these military guys whooping and hollering shit I couldn’t understand. The dude that took me there was yelling shit at me and I only caught part of the words: "teach you a lesson"... “set an example”... when the realization hit me that this must be Homeland Security. By LAW: they didn’t have to tell me why they picked me up; they didn’t have to read me my rights; they could hold me indefinitely; they could torture me; and, they didn’t have to notify my family or ANYBODY that they had taken me into custody. Basically, they could make me disappear – without a trace. But, what had I done? Was I a ‘threat to National Security’? The only thing I’d ever done was write some stuff on the internet about Equality and an Equal Money System. And some stuff about religious brainwashing. Was that what this was all about?

I was kind of looking around wondering just how brainwashed all these fucking idiots were and how I wasn’t a ‘threat’ to anyone when, all of a sudden, this guy slammed into me – just knocked the living shit out of me. As I got up I saw that he had this rig on that had bungie straps hooked to a belt around his waist that was suspended from the ceiling. He lunged at me and knocked the shit out of me again then bounced back up to the side of this ‘cage’. Everyone in the bleachers was yelling encouragement – to him – while he was yelling at me and, as he lunged at me again, I remember breathing and thinking: I never was a big fan of fighting – it just wasn’t my thing – but, I wish I’d have stayed in better shape and maybe I’d be able to defend myself – at least a little – cause this guy wants to kill me. When he slammed into me again, I woke up.

I looked around the room and ‘thought’ man, that was one fucked up dream. C wasn’t in bed, yet – she had met with A for SRA last night and, sometimes stays up for a while after their meetings. So, I rolled over onto my side, pulled the covers up over my head, and went back to sleep...


Reading the specifics of your dream - seems it may have something to do with our visit yesterday with your daughter Leah, where, when I asked her if she had read your current blog post she responded, "No, I didn't know he has a blog, and I don't need to read it because I already know him". She then went on to say, "I get tired of you all talking about the 'stuff' you talk about, when I really just want to know what you had for dinner the other night". I saw the look on your face when she said what she said about your blog, and honestly it seemed as if, in that moment, she had stuck a 'sword' in your heart.

Quote from above:"Then, a barricade, of sorts, was ‘shot’ into the road in front of me, forcing me to stop. It was like giant swords"

You sat there gallantly and respected the words she breathed, allowing no visible reactions per se, and, when I said , 'Leah, you don't know your dad, not really, because none of us each one even know who we really are in self honesty, so how can we really know each other - except within the 'ideas' we have of each others past behaviors from past experiences. Then, she stood up and walked out the front door and returned 25 to 30 minutes later... Nothing more was said, you didn't write about it or speak about it

Leah lives in Austin Texas - we see her maybe once a year and the last time she was here was the summer of 2009. I have witnessed your past relationship with your daughter for 20 years, which I would describe as... I will describe in one word - 'endearingly'. Is this dream representative of a relevant point to investigate seeing how you've only remembered 'a handful' of dreams and this one occurs the night following this day investigate in self honesty

Dream on surviving

Before having a vivid dream this morning, I dreamt that I was late for a train. As I was late I accepted and allowed myself to feel afraid of the con-sequences and thus I gave control to the mind. My mind then proceeded to try and solve the problem by hijacking a bus, which had passengers. I don't quite remember what I did to the bus-driver, but I either hurt and/or became him in a way, at least that's the sort of sensation I can remember. Then I proceeded with hazardous driving on the freeway. Then there was a transition to another dream. In this dream I am with a few friends. We're hanging out, like you normally do, and one of my friends has brought his cousin along. For some reason he is not very capable of speaking and he tries to show me something, when this happens the mind wanders and I feel a bit uncomfortable about the communication difficulty. He proceeds to show me something a bit like throwing a rope, and then I get the image of a boat. I think, 'oh, he wants to show me his boat'. Then there is a dock and water and he he points my attention to the water, where I see something or rather someone. As I'm trying to make it out through the ripples of the water, the surface transitions from being horizontal to vertical, and the water with the being in it is coming closer and closer, and I start to feel amazed and a bit more uncomfortable. At this point my friend's cousin has disappeared and I look to the side to see if my friend's are there, I see one and I try to yell to him and point at the being in the water to make him notice, but he is asleep. Then I am starting to feel a bit more panicky and I proceed to try and shake him and call his name but he is very unconscious. Then I look back to the being in the water and by now it's only a few meters in front of me and trying to show me something or communicate, but I don't quite understand and I become more afraid and want to run away, but at this point I am paralyzed and facing the being. As I look at the being it's features are sort of changing in the ripples of the water, it sort of has some of the same features as me. By then I am very much in a state of panic and fear because of being unable to move and run, and I do my best to try and wriggle or shake and yell to my friend. Then as I am slowly regaining control and movement, I slowly wake up in my bed... After waking, I am still a bit scared and in fear, I am thinking about it and trying to put it in a con-text. And as I am accepting and allowing my mind to do that, it comes up with a sort of conspiracy theory or idea that some alien being was trying to take over my body. As I am thinking about that, I become more and more panicky and afraid, and as this is happening I realize that I am also beginning to breathe heavier and heavier, and through the breathing I am then able to calm myself and get out of my minds ideas and con-structs, and thus stop my fear and anxiety.


What this dream shows is that you can place your self-interest first in survival situations (possibly other situations as well). Where your ass is on the line, or when there is a personal risk involved - you are willing to project yourself in a superior position and disregard the rest. That is what the example of the bus would show. Then you proceed to drive hazardous on the freeway = risking others (the common good) for your own self interest (getting somewhere on time). Letting fear move you to do things that are not best for all.

Being uncomfortable with someone who is not very well in communicating, shows your own uncomfortability within yourself, which you would feel when you perceive yourself to for example not communicate effectively. Or this can be regards other points that you judge as "inferior", or "awkward". Because if you look at it, there is no need to feel uncomfortable. It is something you allow within yourself based on certain thoughts you have (which you have to check out).

The other part is being afraid of the unknown, or things you dont know about. Placing it as superior to yourself and letting fear direct you. And fear in your life, will indeed paralyze you, make you become stiff and uncaring, not taking chances and staying within the safe zone. Or running from challenges.

After waking, I am still a bit scared and in fear, I am thinking about it and trying to put it in a con-text. And as I am accepting and allowing my mind to do that, it comes up with a sort of conspiracy theory or idea that some alien being was trying to take over my body. As I am thinking about that, I become more and more panicky and afraid, and as this is happening I realize that I am also beginning to breathe heavier and heavier, and through the breathing I am then able to calm myself and get out of my minds ideas and constructs, and thus stop my fear and anxiety.

And by moving yourself, you can regain self-direction and actually start moving again. Which is what we have to do within our lives when facing the things we fear.

Dream about being shot

I just woke up from a dream where I was shot and died. I was at like a warehouse garage sale or something like that. I was walking around with my best friend Jacob - who used to be my best friend, then we had sex and it all fell apart, and my old partner Albert. We were walking down this aisle and this guy was up ahead looking at this table and bumped into it. A gun fell on the ground and everyone around was all surprised. I don't know if it was the guys gun or not because he looked all surprised to, but then he looked around and I knew in me he was going to grab it - sure enough he did and started pointed it at everyone. Everyone gasped and he started yelling for everyone to give them there money. I had a bunch of money in my back pocket and a couple dollar bills and quarters in my front pockets. I decided not to give him what was in my back pocket but just what was in the front. When I handed him the quarters he started counting them and I was lying to him about how much there was there cause I still had quarters in my pocket, but wasn't going to tell him. He put them away and then looked at my breasts, then grabbed them really quick, and in that moment I had a flash of "I know this isn't right I need to stand up for myself"...so I flipped my shit and started screaming at him. I started grabbing shit off tables and throwing it at him and telling him he was a piece of shit. Everyone around me seemed to know I was fucked. I don't exactly remember anyone specifically saying anything, but I just remember the feeling. Sure enough, and with a little hesitation (he had this look on his face like he didn't want to do it, but now he had to prove something) he shot me. I remember looking up at Albert's face and it was in horror, like he didn't know what to do. Then I didn't see him anymore. The guy then shot again and I heard a thud behind me. The guy with the gun was gone all of a sudden and the scene switched to a guy with a red shirt neeled down beside me. I don't exactly remember after that except that now I knew I was dead and I was walking around the warehouse. People were still shopping and just going about their business as usual, and I didn't question this. I went up some guy and touch him, and he knew I was there, but I don't remember who that guy was, it's really hazy, that part. Then I went up to the guy in the red shirt and took his hand, he was surprised at first, then started freaking out, telling me to leave him alone and go away. So I went back to the scene where I was shot and Brooke and Jacob were there. They were talking about how they couldn't believe that my baby was shot too. I looked down and there was a little mound lying on the ground. I was convinced that the other person who had been shot behind me was Albert, but the guy with the gun was lying on the ground dead but he was lying there just bones and clothes and his bones were all moldy. Albert was nowhere to be found. There were crusty thick blood stains on the ground, like it had happened a long time ago. All of a sudden I turn around from looking at the guy with the gun's corpse and Jacob, Brooke, and my other friend Kristen are playing with what I assume to be "my baby" on the floor. The scene had shifted to where the baby had never died. I walk over to the baby who is wearing a red full suit pajama outfit and I grab his hands to hold him in sitting position. He is probably about 10 months old or so, having a little trouble sitting by himself. He is looking at me and I hear Kristen say in a sweet voice, like a voice someone uses to talk to a child, "Is your mama here?" That's all I can remember. There are many points to reflect on here. I just woke up, literally minutes before typing this, and I wanted to get it out while it was fresh. I will come back to interpret after I have had some time to ponder its implications...and I have taken a pee.


also, something I found interesting was the fact that everyone went on shopping, and this is something that is happening all over the world. These atrocities happen, and people continue distracting themselves because they don't want to look at the horror of it all. I got shot, and then people are shuffling around my body to look at the items on the table, ahhhh, disgusting shit!

also, the guy with the red shirt who was freaking out when i touch him when I was dead. he must have just come from kneeling down beside me, and even he continued to shop, and when I approached him, he had so much fear in his eyes...like this fear of death - he knew it was me, but didn't want to admit it or look at the implication.

this baby thing is interesting as well. in a lot of novels and films there is this notion of death and rebirth. there is either a pregnancy or a birth just after or before someone passes...and all the red clothing - the baby and the guy. vlog on the experience is here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I4q0fpxWnkQ

Dream about dying

I posted for first time today and want to share the dream I had that literally woke me up feeling different to before, different in a way that is ...I dunno...clearer..less afraid than ever I was with a group of people and we were all watching a plane overhead completing some mission, some task? we looked skyward and expected to see an alignment or a completion of some sort involving the plane. instead it nose dived and spiralled down towards us, it crashed just a few feet from where I stood...it happened so fast It was like I hadn't time to be afraid....after a moment of silence, there was an explosion...I felt intense heat, my eardrums burst and the pain was unbelievable, I could literally feel my skin coming off and felt various pain sensations....I was saying to myself This is it, this is it....I'm dying, I'm dead...wait...another 'me' seemed to zoom forward and was really watching saying wait this is amazing...I'm going to find out now....there was a sensation of expansion, and light, and a kind of conversation with my own face...It was like I was just about to hear something significant...but I woke up I would so appreciate some objective interpretation from you guys.


A perspective on the dream: I suggest work with the elements of the dream to find out how the dream is assisting you in aligning yourself within self-honesty and self-correction.

With regards to the Plane that had completed some task and which you expected would now align accordingly - what in your Life are you not directing effectively - which in the dream you have set separate from yourself in observation - which is on its own moving like the plane and trough which you hope will somehow align itself - without your direct awareness and self-movement.

The plane coming down and causing you physical pain - this I suggest observing as the Resonant consequences of that Pattern which you leave to 'fly around' in your world, undirected, which eventually crashes. Do you experience Emotional pain, is it Physical, do you withdraw or get annoyed? If you observe the Event as Pattern in your Life from starting point to the way that it ends you will be able to see where the pattern is starting with you simply observing and not giving it direction. When you do direct the Pattern, is it done from the Mind - where you are allowing the events to unfold in a pre-described pattern, simply letting it be as society would do it (the people watching the plane with you)? Or are you simply taking on a 'hands-off approach' - as symbolized by the plane up there in the sky having to make the correction/align itself/complete the task. Then the plane crashes which is the consequence as you experience it - what is the pattern and is the end as pain the reason of addiction why one cannot break the pattern.

You could also work with the dream from the perspective of a person or point in your world which you wont to let go off or allow to correct itself - but the person/point keeps coming back and 'crashing near you' - thus repeatedly causing you immense 'pain.' here I would work with - who/what is the plane? What am I not considering? Am I supposed to let go/direct and why have I not let go/directed.

Interesting - when I was working with Patterns of Destruction/Self-Abuse/Lack of Self-Direction- I realised that I was allowing the pattern to unfold in a predictable pattern and end as it did because I was addicted t pain and abuse - it kept me trapped in a safe place - where i would never stand up and trust me.

Here is an Excerpt From Venos Structural Resonance Alignment Articles Explaining Teeth

4.) MOUTH point

The MOUTH point is the ‘holder' of the pre-programmed life experience of yourself here on earth within the White Light gridline structure – referred to as your ‘blueprints'.

As you ‘come of age' you lose your first set of teeth that had come out. The first fresh beautiful set of teeth that come out when you are a child I will refer to as your ‘Pure Teeth'. They are pure from the perspective that they are developed from within the pure life essence resonance foundation as who you really are and actually support who you really are. Yet, here come the designers of consciousness enslavement and control systems and implement a system within your entire physical body as you develop in the mother's womb, which is actually transferred to you through the ‘sins of the fathers' principle, that ‘push out' your ‘Pure Teeth' and replace it with ‘System Teeth'.

The ‘System Teeth' carry the blueprints of your entire life experience here on earth, meaning that the blueprints as your ‘System Teeth' carry your entire pre-programmed life within the White Light gridline structure. The moment your ‘Pure Teeth' fall out and are replaced with your ‘System Teeth' – your entire life, all the experiences of yourself here on earth, is programmed and infused within the White Light gridline structure on earth. Because your ‘System Teeth' carry the blueprints of your pre-programmed life here on earth within the White Light gridline structure – the two lock in together and voila: You are ready to experience your manifested pre-programmed life here on earth.

Your entire life experience on earth has been pre-programmed humanity – and it's all allocated in the blueprints of the teeth you currently have! Understand that the blueprints of the ‘System Teeth' that are developed and come through when your ‘Pure Teeth' fall out – is transferred from within the preprogrammed mind consciousness system already manifested and infused within you while you were busy being developed in the mother's womb. And this is how the consciousness systems within you started manifesting into an actual becoming here on earth as you experience yourself: The consciousness systems manifested as you grow, physically and mentally in this world as indicated by the teething process. Therefore the teeth you now have is supporting consciousness systems as who and what you have become and accepted yourself to be – as you live and experience yourself within your pre-programmed life design.

Here is the Link to the "Articles" Section on the Home Page of the Desteni Site.


If you scroll down you will find all of the Structural Resonance Alignment Articles done by Veno - It is suggested to become familiar with these documents for perspective on what the Structural Resonance is and how it directs and influences us in our world.