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=====‪A Chat with Anu 2‬=====
=====‪A Chat with Anu 2‬=====

Revision as of 14:59, 9 April 2012


‪A Chat with Anu 1. The Secrets of Enslavement Revealed

So, this is Anu, and I’m here to speak about me, about my creation - and this will be the first interview that I will be doing.

Well, I can’t say that I’m particularly disappointed in anything that I have done or created - kind of, to a certain degree, turned out exactly how I wanted it to. So, as many understand, my intent within creation and existence was to have it all for myself, to kind of integrate myself in and as and with everything, to own it, and that experience of holding existence in the palm of your hand - and I did, you know, to a certain degree, the whole ‘being the ‘god’ of it all’.

Well, the concept of having power and control of everything and all that exists is quite an exhilarating mission. But, I suppose I can say that I had something that not many had inside themselves, and that is: the resolve to actually do it - because what I found is that everyone wants that, that experience of power and control of everything. But, see, beings would believe inside themselves that it could not or would not be possible: ‘How can one being do or be that?’

So, I started as quite a young being, and it was like an addiction that developed - to want to have it all, to be it all - it was like such an overwhelming experience to be able to manipulate someone, to have them do exactly what you want them to do. Then, when you realize that you have that power, you kind of develop it inside yourself as yourself with yourself.

So, when I was young, I used to play with manipulation and getting beings to do what I want them to do without them knowing it - them ‘thinking that it was their initiative to do what I actually said to them to do’ type ideal. It seems insignificant - but, when you become a master of manipulation, it is fascinating. You guys on Earth call it, now, “hypnosis” - but, you do it through a technique. I actually became the very manifestation of manipulating within self awareness, consciously manipulating, without the being knowing that I’m manipulating them and then doing what I want them to do, without them knowing that they’re actually doing what I want them to do, but them thinking that they were using their own initiative.

So, I always worked alone, from a certain perspective, I trusted no one. Well, ok, sometimes I did, because I kind of had to - because something like this that I created, you can’t do alone, you need people to - or beings, so to speak - help you attain…and that was difficult as well, you know, because I wanted it all for myself. I wanted to be within and as all of existence and everything, my own creation, all beings - I wanted to be in control of them, I wanted to manipulate them, I wanted to fuck with them, without them knowing it.

Where was I… Where was I? Something about a point of…oh, yes…oh, yes…the trust point…

I needed to trust beings - but at the same time, not have them know what exactly it is I was doing. That’s the point that was difficult…I was at the point that was difficult…that point is difficult. Eventually, I had Enki and Enlil and Marduk and some other races - I said to them: ‘Look, this is what I want / this is what I want to do. Are you in, or are you out? I’ll give you this / I’ll give you that.’

I’ve got two minutes. I’m kind of just giving an intro here, so that you can become accustomed to my nature. I like to fuck with beings, a lot, because it’s so easy. Fascinating, because beings think that what exists in this creation, like I created from ‘the new’ - but, actually, what exists has always been here.

I've only used what has always been here, and kind of ‘spruced it up a bit’. I got to know creation and existence inside out. Before I started, I understood the language, I understood the primary foundation of which beings exist of, of which existence existed, and then I just used that - because if you understand what exists and how it exists - exactly, precisely - you can use it to your own advantage…and I did.

Ok, I must go. I will chat again

‪A Chat with Anu 2‬

This is Anu, continuing my previous interview that I did yesterday.

So, I kind of gave an overview of my experience within existence and toward existence, and the purpose I gave to myself to exist - and that I basically investigated and explored the means and ways within which existence and beings exist and experience themselves, and how I could use that against themselves towards my own benefit.

I had no particular skills in design or creation. I had the knowledge - much knowledge, much understanding, much insight into how existence operated and how beings operated. And I found an interesting essence within beings that existed within them all, and that was: the desire to serve. Fascinating. That’s the only way how manipulation can operate - is if a being desire to serve - because in the very desire to serve, you say: ‘I will be anyone and anything’s slave’.

So, I’d say that I was merely answering beings’ call - with a very specific tactic: manipulation. Manipulation is quite easy, you just have to know the being in and out - know their weak points, their strong points, their desires, their fears, their entire opinion about themselves. Then, it looks like these strings that come out of them toward you, and you grasp them, and you play the being like a puppet on a string.

I enjoyed deriving pleasure from punishment, punishing beings. That was quite an interesting, exhilarating force inside yourself when you punish someone - or even, you destroy them - especially planets and races. That power… Power is beautiful, and I can just experience it right now…power. An interesting thing about power is you always need it, want it, desire it. You’ll do anything and everything that it takes to only have that experience in that position where beings fear you - because if beings fear you, then you have them, in the palm of your hand, and you can mold them and shape them, and do with them whatever you want. Though, it’s like same as with this world at the moment - you are already shaped and molded and conditioned, by those whom I trained to do my finishing touches in this reality, in this world.

You are so far behind what’s really going on - so far behind, eons of time behind - the ones that stand in this reality, in this world, as my loyal servants of time that stood the test of time, as I will stand the test of time, as my creation will stand the test of time. That’s how it is at the moment, that’s why I am quite calm, to be honest. There’s no threat, yet - because beings are so daft in their beliefs that they’re apparently ‘more’ or ‘greater’ in some ‘enlightened way’. I designed enlightenment, together with some other races. Enlightenment is the deception to make you believe you are more than what you really are - it’s what traps you, infinitely, into cycles of ‘hope’ and ‘love’.

Another example of the daftness of beings: believing in a concept such as ‘love’ and a design such as ‘love’. I will continue with ‘love’ in my next interview - I suppose you won’t even bother to hear, because you’re already so fucked by it.

Thank you.

This is me, going.

Enslavement as the observer


The odds only work for the observer --see the enslavement of the observer-- also able to see the cause and effect-- but forever the observer-- interesting self enslavement--wonder how long the observer will remain the observer.

Again-- been the observer.

Again --look--the same points repeat themselves of self enslavement-- and look how easy beings with so called enlightened experiences fall when in observer state-- proof yourself first.

The key is death-- either here or here after.

So--stop the mind.

Experiences as gifts


Realise that your experiences are gifts-- points to place as events you may release yourself from-- no matter how all look--we are infinite as life--a bit suppressed at the moment and rebirthing ,but here infinitelly

So allow yourself to view the event with deep breathing placing yourself within it and taking your power back-- like returning yourelf to yourself and removing all permission that existed within times before to be abued or enslaved-- State clearly to yourself

I am Here

I direct me

I release me from fear and influence

I am life and I am free

I did this up to 100 times a day aloud-- to find the harmoney within-- the peace and then I let it go and silence I am--infinitely here as silence--never moving yet moving.

Our enslavement


We enslaved ourselves when we separated ourselves from other expressions of life and became more in our own eyes and thus we were reduced to less.

This is the process of stopping the mind as well as living words as you as one as equal as you: The Living word, to live words as you of life within and as oneness and equality as who you are, see - the mind is a system constructed of words we have separated ourselves from - thus, it is to stop the mind and live here as words as one as equal as who we are in every moment of breath and so each being will walk this process, either here or in the hereafter.

We're still to do articles of the process of living words as you - together with the process of stopping the mind. For the moment, continue with your application as is:

1. Self-honesty in every moment - when a thought, feeling or emotion arise within you - to apply self-forgiveness immediately 2. Self-forgiveness 3. Self-corrective application - to live self statements as who you are for that which you have applied forgiveness for - for instance if you did self forgiveness on judging another, comparing yourself to another, you make a statement which you live to not allow judgment or comparison within you again such as: I am equal and one as me - I do not accept and allow separation within me. 4. Breathing

Do this for you, as all as one as equal - to stand as the living example of life.