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2007 - 2008

Sleeping and Dreaming, what is it?

In this section we give the Destonian perspective on sleeping and dreaming. We outline this perspective from a variety of angles: interdimensional beings, Bernard Poolman's interviews, Sunette, and other Destonians who have contributed to the content of this page.

On Sleeping

Understand the following: That you as a being as 'life essence' as who you are of life does not require sleep and does not sleep - an example of this is interdimensional beings. Anyone ever considered the question: Why human beings sleep but interdimensional beings do not sleep...?

Sleeping is also pre-programmed within and as the mind consciousness system within human beings - when you 'sleep' this is when the mind consciousness system 'regenerates' and'rejuvenates' itself in preparation for 'another day' when you'll be 'actively participating' as a mind consciousness system within this world as the unified consciousness field. Thus, the mind consciousness system will 'while you're asleep' 'dig into' and 'submerge' itself into the subconscious and unconscious mind to allocate memory banks, thoughts, past experiences etc. to merge / rise / install within your conscious mind, so when you participate within your daily 'life experience' you'll have a 'new fresh set of thoughts / thoughts patterns' to pre-occupy you with.

The 'sleep stages' are actually where you submerge you within yourself, while your mind submerges you and takes you 'with it' from the conscious mind, into the subconscious mind straight through to the unconscious mind (your deep sleep), see the mind takes you with it, because it cannot exist without you, and the mind can only take you on this journey through the mind stages to rejuvenate and regenerate when you're 'asleep' so you don't actually know this is really happening. Thus,'sleeping' is an automated constructed system within and as your mind consciousness system to 'keep it going' - to 'keep you going' as a mind consciousness system. This is where dreaming takes place. Dreams were the diversion for human beings to not actually see/experience/understand what really happens when they dream in any way whatsoever. You 'think' you're dreaming but your mind system is actually taking you on its journey through the mind stages into the unconscious mind, to 'dig' and 'search' for thought patterns / behaviors / system alignments from the 'global unconscious as the unified consciousness field', to install [these] within you, to 'implant' within you, to 'pre-occupy' you through another day, and so this continues every evening you sleep - this is the procedure that takes place. Then when you wake up all 'groggy' it's you together with the mind as the mind, rising up from within the unconscious to the subconscious to the conscious, when you're 'awake' you're fully / completely within and as the conscious mind. The reason why the world says 8 - 9 hours sleep is because the entire procedure takes 8 - 9 hours for full completion: installation and implantation of unconscious mind manifestations to be infused within and as your own mind consciousness system.

On Dreaming

Though, what we have done with regards to dreams is the following, instead of you going within and as your own mind journey through the mind stages - we've compressed all three mind stages to one singular point within you as you where we 'brought together everything and all of you to one singular point within the mind as all three mind stages'. Thus, when you sleep, you don't submerge anymore, but is placed within this one singular point, where dreams are inserted which assist and support you within the current point placement of yourself within your process - thus - dreams now assist and support you with regards to where you are in your process currently - the 'point' of you within yourself.

That is why we suggest only 4 - 6 hours sleep, this is all you require, because if you sleep longer than this, you'll move beyond this point placement of you within you and submerge with your mind into the conscious, subconscious and unconscious mind. Thus you giving your mind the opportunity to regenerate and rejuvenate itself by installing and implanting manifestation within you from other human beings in this world through the unconscious mind unified field connection / interconnection - and have experiences / reactions within you - that's not even of you - but believe to be you, then the moment you believe it to be you - you make it your own - and thus so ingrain the reactions/behaviors within and as your own mind consciousness system. 4 - 6 Hours sleep is sufficient - it's all your human physical body requires because then it's not sleep per say - but resting your human physical body for a moment. It will take some diligence to 're-set' yourself to only sleep 4 - 6 hours a day - though each have the will to do this.

Will do the self forgiveness list as well - though - here for the moment diligence and discipline to only sleep for 4 - 6 hours maximum.

Dreams as Reality? Discover yourself in Dreams

Understand that the Dream-Reality is no different to the Physical-Reality, because in both Realities a Being's experience is exactly the same, because the Being exist as the Mind, and experience themselves as and through the Mind within both the Dream-Reality and the Physical-Reality. In essence what I’m stating here is that Beings are not actually really existing in and as the Physical-Reality, we’re existing in the Mind, separate from the Physical. In essence, [we are]always existing within a ‘Dream-World’ of sorts as the Illusions of and as our own Mind. Thus, the Dream-World, in terms of the experience of the Mind as you is the ‘real-Reality’, as the Mind’s own reality of itself as our ‘real-Reality’ –in reality – the Physical do not actually exist for us, all we’re always experiencing is ourselves as and of the Mind [which is] not actually the Physical Here. I, Chief – have taken responsibility for and as the Point of Dreams – finding practical ways/methods with which to utilize Dreams,in assisting and supporting the Being in their Process of Self-Realization as the Physical equal and one Here. (...) Dreams are now directly related to Self and Self alone, and will reflect suppression/secrets/denials/desires etc. as parts of Self that Self has separated Self from to, through Dreams see the Truth of Self directly to from/through Dreams assist and support Self within the Process of Self-Corrective-Action within Self-honest Self-Forgiveness. And stop, stand-up and change/transform Self in every moment of breath as you participate in this world in Walking the Principle of Equality and Oneness as Life.

In this: ‘short-circuiting’ one’s Process so that you don’t have to go through more events/ experiences within your world as manifested-Consequence to be able to see the Truth of you and then only change/Stand-up – which could take weeks, months even years to ‘play-out’ – dependent on the severity of the self-definition as a particular point of Mind.(...) A suggestion, also – is that one do not ‘define Self according to/as dreams’ – otherwise, one will accept and allow self-limitation within that definition. Simply realize/understand that dreams simply reflect/reveal parts of Self that Self has accepted and allowed Self to separate Self from. Thus, it is to investigate the Dream-Self-Revelation self-honestly; change/transform Self in Living-application and Unconditionally let the point as the Dream go. For even within holding onto a dream within Self, hold Self to that dream, enslaved to that dream – then Self cannot move Here – because Self is stuck in/as a Dream-Reality past-memory-Moment. (Transcribed from Bernard Poolman's interview "Dreams as Reality? Discover yourself in Dreams")

Self-Forgiveness on a dream about Knowledge

Dreams: Self Forgiveness of/for Interpretation through Knowledge

Step 1: Whenever you are interpreting – you are using the Mind and you’re using knowledge you already have or things you have already captured through your photographic capturing system called the eyes. Capturing a lot more than what you’re consciously seeing and use that within you interpretations to make sense of your reality.

Unconditional forgiveness is the key – do not try and understand knowledge or interpretations – because you were not present when you captured the images. Therefore – unconditionally let them go – then you look again – unconditional self forgiveness on everything.

When you are structuring your forgiveness in sentences – for instance – I forgive myself that I have allowed myself...then you follow the words in sequence – as you would literally physically rub out or erase the geometrical form of the pictured interpretation. This is done that your forgiveness in words – is actual physical space-time related as you have interpreted and accepted your space-time reality according to the pictures that reflects in your mind as your observations.

( Sunette)

Self-Forgiveness on Sleeping

I forgive myself that I have allowed myself to believe that I need and must have sufficient sleep otherwise if I don't - I'll be tired

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to become dependent on sleep

I forgive myself that I have allowed myself to believe that 'lack of sleep' exist - and that if I were to 'lack sleep' - I will be tired

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to define 'lack of sleep' to tiredness

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed to believe that tiredness exist

I forgive myself that I haven't allowed myself to realize that tiredness is an idea / belief designed of the mind, accepted and allowed as 'normal' due to 'lack of sleep'

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that sleeping 8 - 9 hours or more is healthy for my human physical body

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to define sleeping as healthy

I forgive myself that I haven't allowed myself to realize, see or understand that sleeping is a system the mind system use to alter / change / update itself - while / during I am unconscious

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to use / abuse sleep as an escape from my reality, manipulating the reason and cause for sleeping through 'making it sound acceptable' through believing sleeping 8 - 9 hours or more is healthy

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to use sleep as a method of hiding from self responsibility and facing myself within and as my reality in every moment as the moment as the breath

I forgive myself that I haven't allowed myself to realize that the body only requires rest for a maximum of 6 hours - and that's it

I forgive myself that I haven't allowed myself to realize that the mind is the directive principle of me - as it has the ability to induce perceptual tiredness, which is the mind consciousness systems' 'signal / sign' that it requires regeneration and rejuvenation - which is done through sleeping 8 - 9 hours or more

I forgive myself that I haven't allowed myself to realize that tiredness and sleep exist within the mind of the mind - it is not who I am

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to be directed, influenced and controlled by the mind - through it informing me when it's 'tired', then using me to 'sleep' while it rejuvenates and regenerates and replenishes itself as it takes me on the journey through my subconscious and unconscious mind - to 'allocate' manifestations to pre-occupy me during another day while I'm 'awake'

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed my mind to use me - I forgive myself that I haven't allowed myself to realize that abuse exist within self, through accepting and allowing myself to be abused by the mind - and because I accept / allow this within me - I accept / allow this within the rest of the world as me

I forgive myself that I haven't allowed myself to realize that 'sleeping' and 'awake' is also polarity manifestations of the mind - I forgive myself that I haven't allowed myself to realize that it's the mind that sleeps and it's the mind that wakes up and thus - that I have never really lived

I forgive myself that I haven't allowed myself realize that the 'normalcy' of sleeping 8 - 9 hours a day is accepted and allowed by all of humanity within and of the unified consciousness field because it's the exact amount of time the mind requires to allocate manifestations within the unconscious mind, then to merge them into the conscious mind as the mind 'wakes' - I forgive myself that I haven't allowed myself to realize that the manifestations merged into the conscious mind, extracted from the unconscious mind is of the unified consciousness field from other human beings - yet - the moment I believe a thought to be me, as me, - I make such manifestations my own and in this moment - I infuse other human beings' thought patterned behaviors / habits within and as the mind consciousness system that exist within me - and thus such manifestations become me

I forgive myself that I haven't allowed myself to realize that the mind is 'at work' while I 'sleep' - conjuring and gathering manifestations of any and all kinds, extracted from the unconscious mind - to merge into my conscious mind, so I believe that such manifestations to be me, because it exists in my mind - and so the mind consciousness system within me 'upgrades itself' every evening I 'sleep'

I forgive myself that I haven't allowed myself to realize that dreams are used by the mind consciousness system to divert my attention while I sleep to not actually understand / know what's really going on while I sleep - therefore - dreams were meaningless

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that who I am exist as thoughts, feelings and emotions - needing 'lots of sleep' for a 'healthy life'

I forgive myself that I haven't allowed myself to realize that 'lots of sleep' 8 - 9 hours or more - is healthy for the mind consciousness system within me as that which I have accepted and allowed myself to become

I forgive myself that I haven't allowed myself to realize that 'the difficulty of waking up in the mornings' is my emergence as the mind from the unconscious, to the subconscious to the conscious mind - which 'takes a while' - then when I'm 'awake' and 'up' - it's actually me as the conscious mind, actively participating within and of the unified consciousness field

I forgive myself that I have allowed myself to define who I am as sleep / sleeping

I forgive myself that I have allowed myself to define who I am as tired / tiredness

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to participate in the pre-occupation and attention diversion of the mind as thoughts/feelings/emotions to not accept or allow myself to experience myself as the breath of life as the moment - here as who I am

I forgive myself that I haven't allowed myself to realize that who I am is the breath as the breath as the moment - here

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe/think that if I sleep 'less than' I usually do - I will be tired the next morning - instead of realizing that I am designing the very experience of tiredness in the morning through the perceptual belief/idea that less sleep equals tiredness

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed the idea/belief of 'less sleep than I usually have' equals tiredness the next morning - which influence the experience of me within and throughout the entire day - instead of remaining here as the breath as me in every moment

I forgive myself that I haven't allowed myself to wake up in the morning as the breath as me as the moment as me

I forgive myself that I haven't allowed myself to realize that it's the mind that struggles to wake up in the mornings - as it merges with me as me from the unconscious mind to the subconscious mind to the conscious mind - where it eventually later 'wakes up' completely

I forgive myself that I haven't allowed myself to realize that in the mornings when I open my eyes and I accept / allow myself to participate in one singular thought - I 'activate' all the workings / findings / manifestations the mind retrieved and obtained within the unconscious mind while I was being pre-occupied through dreams - referred to as sleeping - and then allow / accept all such manifestations to infuse within me as me - and thus become such manifestations as thought patterns and behaviors within and of the unified consciousness field.

I forgive myself that I haven't allowed myself to realize that sleeping is literal sleep - the complete submerge of me, as the mind does it's work - because I as who I am is not aware

I forgive myself that I haven't allowed myself to realize that 'awakening' and 'awake' that exist within and of the unified consciousness field - is the 'awake' and 'awakening' of the mind in it's entirety - that it's not to be awake - but to live practically as who I am which is here as the moment as the breath as me - because for 'awake / awakening' to exist - 'sleep / sleeping' must exist - the 'awake/awakening' for the mind of the mind and the 'sleep / sleeping' for me of me, disappearing into the background within myself until I no longer exist and only the mind as what I have accepted and allowed myself to become exist as me.

I forgive myself that I haven't allowed myself to realize that I have always been asleep - the actual sleeping of me as the manifested experience thereof is proof - as the mind exists always, the mind is always active - and thus proof that I have never actually practically lived before as who I am as the breath as the moment as me

I forgive myself that I haven't allowed myself to realize that I have never actually practically lived as who I am as the breath as the moment as me - but that I have always accepted and allowed the mind to control / direct and influence me through believing and perceiving that who I am is thoughts/feelings and emotions

I forgive myself that I have allowed myself to separate myself from the human physical body of life - from the breath - not realizing that breath is life as me nurturing the expression and manifestation of life as the human physical body as me - I am breath - I am human physical body - I am here - I am moment

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to be submerged within and as myself through allowing and accepting myself to be and become the mind consciousness system - because I have believed the lie that I need to be and become the mind consciousness system to survive and exist within and as the unified consciousness field

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to be and become the mind consciousness system - to be of thoughts, feelings and emotions - because it's what and who everyone else has become as those that have gone before me which I have believed and trusted to be 'my example' -instead of realizing I am the unconditional innocence of self expression of life that exist as the moment as the breath of life as me - the simplicity of practical living exist here as the moment as the breath within and as oneness and equality as the human physical body as the manifestation of life as life of me as me

I forgive myself that I haven't allowed myself to realize that I am simplicity

I forgive myself that I haven't allowed myself to realize that I am breath as life of life as me

I forgive myself that I haven't allowed myself to realize that the very manifestation of creation as me of life within and as oneness and equality is here as the human physical body of the breath of life as me

Practical Dream Assessment

In this section we introduce a number of dreams on a variety of topics from people who are in process and have participate in the forums. The structure of this section alternates between the description of dream and a perspective given as support by one of the members of the group, or by the dreamer him or herself. The dreams are thematically categorized:

On: Body

On: People & Places

On: Animals

On: Death

On: The Elements (Fire, Water, Earth, Air)

On: Human Traits

On: Drugs

Personal experience and Self-Forgiveness on a Dream

I dreamed that my brother hit a disabled woman with his car and that he tried to escape his responsibility. I told him that it was unacceptable and that he had to face the consequences. A commotion broke out and people started to fight in the streets completely possessed. My mother jumped into a car and started fighting with a woman, pulling her hair and what not. I pulled them apart and told them that they were demon possessed. I looked into my mothers eyes and I saw her changing between a demon form and her human form and I told her to breathe. I started laughing and became possessed myself making gruesome faces. I felt strangely enough free within this demon expression, but also quite frightened and out of control. I snapped out and took a deep breath in and out, and I said to myself "I have to focus on myself, I can't save my mother". Then I was chased by demons as they recognized me as not being possessed and I tried to hide in abandoned houses.


So, what the dream told me is most prominently:

  • 1. a fear of becoming possessed
  • 2. a fear that my family members will become possessed
  • 3. a fear of being exposed to and harmed by possessed beings
  • 4. a desire to save my family
  • 5. a desire to become possessed

Self Forgiveness

1. I forgive myself that I have allowed and accepted myself to fear becoming demon possessed I forgive myself that I haven't allowed myself to see/realize that I can't be demon possessed if I don't allow it I forgive myself that I have allowed and accepted myself to fear facing myself as a demon I forgive myself that I have allowed and accepted myself to believe that anything can possess me if I stick to breathing I forgive myself that I have allowed and accepted myself to fear losing myself I forgive myself that I have allowed and accepted myself to believe that I as physical here-ness can be lost I forgive myself that I have allowed and accepted myself to fear my anger I forgive myself that I have allowed and accepted myself to lose myself in anger I forgive myself that I have allowed and accepted myself to believe that I deal with my anger if I suppress it I forgive myself that I have allowed and accepted myself to suppress my anger instead of forgiving myself I forgive myself that I haven't allowed myself to see/realize that fear is a form of demon possession in itself I forgive myself that I have allowed and accepted myself to become possessed with fear of demons I forgive myself that I have allowed and accepted myself to fear myself

2. I forgive myself that I have allowed and accepted myself to fear that my brother will become demon possessed

I forgive myself that I have allowed and accepted myself to fear that my mother will become demon possessed I forgive myself that I have allowed and accepted myself to fear that my father will become demon possessed I forgive myself that I have allowed and accepted myself to fear losing my family members within them becoming demon possessed I forgive myself that I have allowed and accepted myself to fear standing alone I forgive myself that I have allowed and accepted myself to assume that my brother, mother and father have no self-control I forgive myself that I have allowed and accepted myself to fear facing my mother as a demon I forgive myself that I have allowed and accepted myself to fear facing my father as a demon I forgive myself that I have allowed and accepted myself to fear facing my brother as a demon I forgive myself that I have allowed and accepted myself to fear my brothers anger I forgive myself that I have allowed and accepted myself to fear my fathers anger I forgive myself that I have allowed and accepted myself to fear my mothers anger I forgive myself that I have allowed and accepted myself to fear rinding the car when my brother is driving I forgive myself that I haven't allowed myself to see/realize that my fear is related to memories of my family members road rages and thus lack physical substance

3. I forgive myself that I have allowed and accepted myself to fear getting in the way of a being possessed with anger/hate/rage

I forgive myself that I have allowed and accepted myself to fear the anger of others I forgive myself that I have allowed and accepted myself to be in a constant alert mode in fear of being hurt by possessed beings in public I forgive myself that I have allowed and accepted myself to fear my neighbor and thus sustaining and maintaining the current system of fear and self-interest

4. I forgive myself that I have allowed and accepted myself to want to save my family

I forgive myself that I have allowed and accepted myself to believe that I can save my family I forgive myself that I have allowed and accepted myself to fear assisting my family within clear and practical common sense because of fear of being ridiculed I forgive myself that I have allowed and accepted myself to fear being ridiculed by my family I forgive myself that I have allowed and accepted myself to ridicule myself I forgive myself that I have allowed and accepted myself to believe that my family is special and worth saving within wanting to save them

5. I forgive myself that I have allowed and accepted myself to desire being demon possessed

I forgive myself that I have allowed and accepted myself to be tempted by the demonic I forgive myself that I have allowed and accepted myself to believe that I would be free if I became a demon I forgive myself that I have allowed and accepted myself to want to abdicate my responsibility within becoming demon possessed

General dream related questions


Just a question because with most of my dreams I am aware that I am dreaming and I find that that even sometimes the other people who are in my dreams I tell them that it is just a dream and they smile. Like they are glad that I know it is a dream.

Now off topic but also a dream question. Within most of my dreams there are people from my childhood or people who I have been in school with whom I was friends with but don't see anymore. Lots of times they take on an assisting role in the dream trying to bring me to further awareness. For example, if I fall back and have the feeling of giving up on my process or like it is too hard often there is a friend of mine who has died 2 years ago comes to me and basically he tells me that I need to restart and that I should not give up. Often he will speak of things that I need to walk through or give me hints about what I should be doing in my process. Sometimes it feels like he is another being communicating with me and assisting me thru my dreams. Does anyone else have something similar happening in there dreams?


'Whatever' you dream and 'however' you dream-it = it is always a Play-Out of 'who you are' as Unconscious Mind Patterns - so observe your dreams and learn from them what you can.

A reminder that assists me when looking at my dreams is that: this dream is ME, it all happened inside MY HEAD - thus every person, every object, every environment that was in the dream, every word, sentence, discussion = was all me, thus reveals something about me, says something about me.

So 'other people in your dream' are always you, you are always have dreams with yourself disguised as 'other people'.

And this Principle = you can also apply in the "Real World" - meaning - you see people, objects, animals and you distinguish them as 'others' as 'separate' from you - but this Reality is ONE just as your 'Dream Reality' is One = and every point existent within you is actually You. So that makes both 'Reality' and your 'Dream Reality' a 'Transcendence Playground'.

So look at a dream as if it were real (the shit happening there is real, the crazy stuff that happens IS YOU) and look at reality as if it were a dream (everything and everyone you see 'is you' - you are responsible for this whole reality, it is your 'own creation', just like 'a dream', which is also 'your creation reflecting you back to you').

Will feelings stop when I stop the Mind?


When the MCS is stopped completely, does one feel any kind of feelings anymore? From what I've understood there will be no 'positive feeling' afterwards, ever.


No, no Feelings exist, then only Expression, that is the Actual Living-Self Here that emerge from the Darkness that Remain when All Stop and Self-Realize: I’m Still, Here.

Fascinating though, that People Fear not Feeling, as in emotions and feelings as mind-generated defined Energy-forms that is Reactive in Nature, consisting of memories, and determined by/through external-forces as one’s Environment and other Beings. 

Such Feelings and Emotions are not Real, it lasts for the time it lasts and then it’s gone and Self Remain. 

Feelings and Emotions as Energy cannot sustain its own existence but through participation. Otherwise, it doesn’t exist, and will only last as long as the Participant (which is you), participate. Thus, Energy as emotions and feelings in defined Form is not Real. 

What of Actual Real Feeling, with and as your Physical in the Form of Touch?

Do you Actually Really Physically Feel what you Touch? 

Are you Aware of the Physical Actual Real Experience of Touch as Physically Feeling what you Touch? 

This is the only Feeling that is Real, Feeling what you Touch, Physically. 

This is not Energy-based, but Actual. 

So, fascinating that people Fear not-Feeling, when the Feelings they Fear not Feeling aren’t Real and do not determine their existence in this World, meaning = you won’t die if you don’t feel feelings. You won’t cease to exist if you don’t feel feelings, you’ll only Realise what you’ve taken for-granted as the Physical that is Here and the fact that you haven’t actually ever experienced actual, real Feeling. 

So, don’t fear not Feeling, you’ll only die if you stop Breathing. lol.

Become Physical, meaning, stop participation in Energy as emotions and feelings of Mind. 

Focus on Breathing, Physical-Touch, being Aware with and as your Physical Here – then you’ll realize: 
You haven’t actually ever Breathed before, you haven’t actually ever Felt before and you haven’t actually ever really Lived before, but, limited yourself to an existence of Energy that only fed off your Physical, tiring you to submission to the System, to enslavement in all-ways. 

Energy takes time and effort to generate within you through thoughts and memories that pre-occupy your entire existence, missing all that is Here with and as and in you. 

Stop Missing yourself that is Here in the moment of Breath as the Physical, Equal and One. 



Sleeping is also pre-programmed within and as the mind consciousness system within human beings. When you sleep, this is when the mind consciousness system regenerates and rejuvenates itself in preparation for another day when you'll be actively participating as a mind consciousness system within this world as the unified consciousness field.

Thus, the mind consciousness system will, while you're asleep, dig into'and submerge'itself into the subconscious and unconscious mind to allocate memory banks, thoughts, past experiences etc. - to merge / rise / install within your conscious mind, so when you participate within your daily life experience you'll have a new fresh set of thoughts / thoughts patterns to pre-occupy you with.

Thus, the sleep stages are actually where you submerge you within yourself, while your mind submerges you and takes you with it from the conscious mind, into the subconscious mind straight through to the unconscious mind (your deep sleep).

See, the mind takes you with it, because it cannot exist without you. And, the mind can only take you on this journey through the mind stages to rejuvenate and regenerate when you're asleep so you don't actually know this is really happening.
Therefore, sleeping is an automated constructed system within and as your mind consciousness system to keep it going, to keep you going as a mind consciousness system.

Thus, this is where dreaming takes place. Dreams were the diversion for human beings to not actually see/experience/understand what really happens when they dream in any way whatsoever. You think you're dreaming, but your mind system is actually taking you on its journey through the mind stages into the unconscious mind to dig and search for thought patterns / behaviours / system alignments from the global unconscious as the unified consciousness field, to install within you, to implant within you, to pre-occupy you through another day. And so, this continues every evening you sleep. This is the procedure that takes place.

Then, when you wake up all groggy it's you together with the mind as the mind, rising up from within the unconscious to the subconscious to the conscious, when you're awake, you're fully / completely within and as the conscious mind.
The reason why the world says 8 - 9 hours sleep is because the entire procedure takes 8 - 9 hours for full completion; installation and implantation of unconscious mind manifestations to be infused within and as your own mind consciousness system.

Though, what we have done with regards to dreams is the following; instead of you going within and as your own mind journey through the mind stages - we've compressed all three mind stages to one singular point within you as you, where we brought together everything and all of you to one singular point within the mind as all three mind stages. Thus, when you sleep, you don't submerge anymore, but is placed within this one singular point where dreams are inserted, which assist and support you within the current point placement of yourself within your process. Thus, dreams now assist and support you with regards to where you are in your process currently; the point of you within yourself.

That's why we suggest only 4 - 6 hours of sleep, this is all you require, because if you sleep longer than this, you'll move beyond this point placement of you within you and submerge with your mind into the conscious, subconscious and unconscious mind, Thus, you giving your mind the opportunity to regenerate and rejuvenate itself by installing and implanting manifestations within you from other human beings in this world through the unconscious mind unified field connection / interconnection, and have experiences / reactions within you - that's not even of you - but believe to be you, then the moment you believe it to be you, you make it your own. And thus, so ingrain the reactions/behaviours within and as your own mind consciousness system.

4 - 6 hours of sleep is sufficient, it's all your human physical body requires, because then it's not sleep per say, but resting your human physical body for a moment. It will take some diligence to re-set yourself to only sleep 4 - 6 hours a day, though each have the will to do this.

Will do the self forgiveness list as well. Though, here for the moment, diligence and discipline to only sleep for 4 - 6 hours maximum.

(Veno/Jack) --self forgiveness on sleep