Dreams: body

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In this section you will find dreams and their assessment in relation to the body

Dream about body part

I just remembered one more dream that left me feeling strange. I know a lot has been written about dreams already and i'm starting to understand the function they fulfill as assisting: i can't remember the whole dream, I just remember the end bit, where I ended up jumping into this huge barrel or metal container. It was white in colour and there was loads of millet inside, my partner was with me, and it was awfully moist inside. Then I took off one of my shoes because I felt a strange grinding, feeling and I discovered a whole bunch of white larva-wormish things eating into the sole of my foot....it was disgusting, so I tried to wipe them off, trying to pull them out of the holes they were making in the sole of my foot, i got all out but one and that one went in deeper so i couldn't get hold of it, all i could feel was the grinding feeling of sth eating on my flesh and with that feeling I woke up and I had to actually check my foot because it felt so real. was really strange.......... that came to my mind now, was that the worms/larva were the system, the mind trying to get in deeper into me and i'm trying to wipe it off, out of self, myself.


The dream with the worms/larva is actually a manifested fear that you have of 'being eaten while you are still alive' - what I would suggest here is to have a look at the description of the dream again and apply self forgiveness for the experience of you within the dream - and of the fear of 'being eaten while you're still alive' - of being in a situation and 'your life is out of your hands'. This done, to release yourself from the fear manifested connection your mind has of 'being eaten while you're still alive' and 'your life being out of your hands'.

It also 'links' with the fear of not 'being in control' of you and you world - the fear of 'freedom of self expression' - 'freedom of self expression' exists in every moment you live self honesty - but human beings 'tend to' want to control their world and themselves according to how their mind has been designed by preferences, which gives off the illusion of stability and strength. Here I suggest self forgiveness on 'wanting' and desiring to control you and your world according the mind's preference and design, and also on defining control and stability and strength. Applying / living self control is not allowing / accepting yourself to participate in this mind - but stop immediately when you realise that you're in the mind and to apply self forgiveness.

Yes - as you said, it is the mind 'grinding' deeper into you as you through utelizing fears that exist within you - which you believe and perceive yourself to be, though, fear is a design of the mind as emotion and not who you really are.

Here is a self forgiveness list on Control and Fear:

Control: http://desteni.org/a/veno-self-forgiveness-self-control

Fear: http://desteni.org/a/veno-self-forgiveness-fear