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Colors - the primary colors were designed for the 'determining' of specific emotions and feelings of the mind consciousness system for dimensional beings and demons to be able to identify, through seeing and interpreting the colors dimensionally - which is which specific emotion and feeling within and as the human physical body of the mind consciousness system
Colors - the primary colors were designed for the 'determining' of specific emotions and feelings of the mind consciousness system for dimensional beings and demons to be able to identify, through seeing and interpreting the colors dimensionally - which is which specific emotion and feeling within and as the human physical body of the mind consciousness system
Thus - specific emotions and feelings had specific color connected to them for dimensional beings to determine which color is which specific emotions and feelings - this connected to the Chakra System.
Thus - specific emotions and feelings had specific color connected to them for dimensional beings to determine which color is which specific emotions and feelings - this connected to the Chakra System.
HOW to take re-birth the way we can be free from our delusions ?
I would not refer to the experience as ‘re-birth’ though, as we have never been ‘birthed’, actually really ‘birthed’ – as the emergence of ourselves as Life as all as one as equal. The mind manifestation which human beings have come to believe is ‘who they are’ is the very manifestation we are here to stop – to ‘cease the existence of the mind’ for Life is as who are to ‘step forth’. It is thus to free yourself within the containment and contamination of you within and as the mind – existing within separation of who you are due to accepted and allowed participation in the mind. And the process of doing so is: Self forgiveness, self honesty, self corrective application, writing yourself to freedom together with self forgiveness done and focusing on your breathing = so you within and during a process stop participation in the mind and realize you.

Revision as of 17:15, 6 February 2012


How to work with Spiritual Teachings/Writings Support Video


The Tao and contraction cycles


Your saying that "this is the 11th time" rang a bell for me - in one of the latest articles on the Spiritual School of Ascension site, it also mentions that there have been previous times when Creation did not return properly in the "inbreath of the Creator", and parts were left behind (they say "twelve or more times", but its the same principle, I guess).

Quote: "So what has occurred in the Tao to create consumption? It appears that groups and groups of creators have been left behind in 12 or more contraction cycles, and these creators have continued to exist between cycles, and in order to do so have to consume creations to have enough chi to continue to exist without the chi of the Tao. The Tao provides chi to all creators and creations, except between contraction cycles. Somehow that which was left behind forgot to return home and fell into the pattern of consuming in order to save chi for between the cycles to survive. Those creations or parts of creations that are consumed then fall into the same forgetfulness as those who are lost, creating increasing numbers of lost creators that consume; to a point that if it is not rectified, the Tao may be consumed to death in five or less cycles ahead. So the Tao of the future is working back in time to rectify a circumstance that went unnoticed until it threatened all of existence."


Even the Tao is consciousness--It is just a way to place an understandable construct within the understanding of self that is based on the principle of life being born from the physical--this implies that life never existed yet as life itself in a way

That is what we found--much cannot be revealed yet as it would cause another construct--so call it the in breath-- which is again a construct that will have to be let go of even forgiveness will assist

Life is--that is has been most graciously expounded on by the work on Tao

The School of ascension work with very limited insight as they were specifically misled by an unconscious mind implant system--this was run by an Atlantean called Mila--this then is represented as all kinds of beings presenting "truth" with a lot true--but the spill--the core is always misrepresented

This was the way organizations were formed to trap the serious seekers in separation--instead of self

That was the reason for Ascension--we even found such heaven where the ascended went to--yet this was removed in one moment--so much for all those that spend lifetimes on these ideas--consciousness interdimensionally are removed in one moment

Understand that something more is going on than what has ever been revealed-- the secret is Man-- Man is "God"--yet must proof it universally and "power" is not what man understand it to be--it is not spirit, or love or anything ever taught--power cannot be taught

See--we do not present an answer--we present an way to an answer--but only self honesty will open the door--absolute

How do we know--and this is important-- how do we know that the experience of a channel is real or not-- they must either leave the body aware and be tested intensely in all facets and with all beings in creation to establish what is real--there must be no separate conscious, subconscious and unconscious that they may see direct--there may be no "energy " fluctuations--that means--the channel may not get tired --20 hours non stop channeling--beings randomly throughout all "time"--the channel must be able to handle all levels of possession like demons--satan--anything at any time-- the channel must be able to see all direct and be present in each conversation and be able to access anything-any "dimension to investigate the information as real and that must be randomly checked to make sure it is consistent-- the channel must be waked up in the middle of the night and immediately all must be consistent and constant-- the channel must be given illness like aids in one moment at DNA level and transcend it--physical aliment must manifest on the body of the channel and be corrected interdimensionally as prove of self directedness-- the channel when in the dimensions must be faced with all imaginable tests--like disappearing into nothing and bring self together again--and more and more

This is some tests winged went through before we stared presenting any work--understand what winged experience--I do too--I remain the point that cross-reference--so is there Andrea--we test all the time--so is there others not yet named--all are tested in similar ways--we are very strict--because we are presenting a message that is not acceptable--it had to be proven--It took 18 months of 14-16 hours a day o testing and challenging--we had some that could not pass the tests--because of honesty with self--

so we heard all the excuses of consciousness--imagine a girl taking on the Universal Mind to find that it deceive--things we have placed our faith and trust in--and when something deceives--it is confirmed consciousness--and thus is removable--call this the second death--there is such a point--the first death on earth --and the second-- when one chose consciousness and separation in stead of assistance--death again--the end

This is only so because life does not yet exist as form manifest--even nature is compromised

So--some insight in what winged and others went through--In that process the portal and others with abilities--were closed if any form of deceit manifest--yes--we open and close portals in a moment--it is not a gift--it is a placement

Much will reveal as we move

be certain-we are no fools

before a post is done here--we check the being thoroughly--we know when you die, how , why--all is revealed-- so--when we assist--know this--we assist you as ourselves--what we would have liked if we were you and did not yet understand--we assess to give each the best opportunity

Obviously--it is not the only way--we know that--we can give you another as well--but it is the most direct way with the least pain and suffering--but know this--all is going to suffer--we allow atrocities to be called life

let us have fun on the way

Hope this give some perspective on winged--I dare any channel in the world to come and be tested--even just 3 months and prove that what they present is true--there is not one--they are all system manifestations--we even go into their system when they speak--if we take the system out--the being will die--so--we have to be patient with the BS--and challenge them--forgiveness and self honesty

Gifts and Abilities


Would it be possible for you to tell me what are my gifts and abilities? Also if you can visit me by astral projection?


Realize that within this process of self forgiveness – you are giving you to you, thus gifting you to yourself, and together with self forgiveness applying self corrective application in every moment of breath, in living self honesty, self trust and self expression – to so become self aware of you as ‘who you are’ here as you participate in this world. There are no such thing as ‘special abilities or gifts’ – because it’s not about the abilities or gifts - but who YOU are, in assisting and supporting you to stand one and equal as life so we can stop what we have accepted and allowed to exist within this world as ourselves. Don’t accept/allow you to define ‘who you are’ according to ‘gifts’ / ‘abilities’ as this would be separation.

No – no ‘astral projection’ required – ‘astral projection’ is still a mind-designed constructed system, so astral projection is but a alternate reality programmed within human beings minds’ so human beings believe or perceive themselves to ‘project themselves astrally’ – but actually still remain within their own mind.

I suggest you focus on you, in assisting and supporting you within your individual process of stopping the mind, to manifest you as the living expression of life as all as one as equal.

Vibrational Alchemy and Remote Controlled Information


I've understood some "vibratory alchemy" things that I was studying since it didn't mean to invoke or invoke spiritual beings. By the way, I talked about some information I understand, it's as if someone remote controlled information to come to me without I ever asked for them. And finally, it don't know such things as white light but there is no one that could preserve me from doing what ever I please but my self so... It's just that I'm a down to earth, educated atheist that is confronted to something that I do not understand If you know anyone who's into stuff called magick, and knows about Aleister Crowley and his concept of "conversation with the holy guardian angel" I would just like to know what comes next. By he way do never forget that I'm a real skeptic and am not even convinced of my own experiences even if I know for sure that they are for real


We suggest stopping and focus on what is necessary to be done here within this world.

An unexpected, unpredictable and sudden change has taken place within this existence: The dimensions and dimensional beings no more exists – they are in this moment one and equal as life, their process is done and is no longer part of this process here on earth, therefore – no more ‘individual expression as ‘individual dimensional beings’ exists as all are one and equal as life.

Thus, all that is in process is what is here within and as this physical manifested universe: The earth, nature, animal kingdom, human beings, planets, stars – even the cup you drink coffee from, your sunglasses, the steering wheel of a car, the wheels of a car – everything that exists within this physical manifested universe is aware – as you are aware – yet in this process together with all to become ‘self aware’ – self aware meaning to realize the responsibility that exists within and as us to stand up and take self responsibility in purifying the nature we have accepted and allowed ourselves to be and become of the mind, in separation, fear, dishonesty and deceit – to stand here in breath within and as self honesty, self trust and self expression to apply ourselves in every moment of breath here, in living practically as all as one as equal as life.

Thus, the first application to realize is that that which you touch within this world is very much aware – thus, the interviews are now of that which exists within this world that is communicating their process of becoming self aware – have a look at the interviews:

http://desteni.org/a/coffee-cup (Coffee Cup)

So, if you are communicating with anything other than what you can touch here within this world = you’re in the mind, of the mind – enslaved within and as a system. Instead of living here practically within this world in every moment of breath, applying self honesty, self trust and self expression in assisting and supporting you – to establish oneness and equality as life as you here in taking self responsibility for you as al that you have accepted and allowed you to be and become as the nature of you of the mind in separation, fear and self dishonesty.

Understand that each one of us is responsible for what exists within and as the world – we did this, because we within ourselves accepted and allowed it to continue in this way, because we did not stand up within ourselves as all as one as equal, living the statement of what we will accept and allow and what we will not accept and allow – but continued ignorantly within the seclusion of ‘our own life’, not caring / considering anything/anyone else but ‘our world and our mind’. This world cannot continue as is – thus, it must stop as it’s existing in this moment, as it’s accepted and allowed to exist by all.

And how will each one realize that each one is individually responsible for what exists and how this world exists: Is when each individual human being experience and individually face the nature of themselves within themselves and their world and actually experience the manifested nature they have accepted and allowed themselves to be and become – because each individual human beings’ nature have been inverted into self, to be manifested as an experience of themselves to in such a way see the nature they have become – and there will be much hardship, suffering and pain to come within this world – until human beings finally realize that each one has to stand up and take self responsibility for what they have accepted and allowed within themselves and this world as themselves – so that we will not ever again create, create such an atrocity.

I would suggest to not have to first go through the experiences before you realize your self responsibility – but to live here practically in this world in every moment of breath and purify the nature you have become of the mind, in separation through focusing on your breath, to apply self forgiveness, to live the practical correction in not accepting/allowing you to participate in behaviors/habits of the mind in ego according to the personality you have defined you as being, to live self honesty, self trust and self expression to stand as all as one as equal as life – to stop what we have done and become within this world, this existence.

Therefore it is not to only believe that ‘no god exists; - but to realize that we are alone within this existence, this world – and we have to stop what we have done, through practical living application in every moment of breath here.

Ascended Masters

Perspective by Osho

Saint Germain

Saint Germain (a.k.a. Comte de Saint-Germain) was a boy birthed into this world with 'multidimensional' access within and of the unified consciousness field.

He was not born with a mind consciousness system - he was birthed as a dimensional being within this world without a mind consciousness system together with two other dimensional beings that would remain with him for the remainder of his lifetime here on earth.

As a young boy he was 'raised' by two dimensional beings - from the age of seven years to the age of 17 years. During this period the two dimensional beings 'trained' him - 'prepared' him for his lifetime to be spent and experienced in this world.

The informed him that he's 'part of' a 'great design' and will thus remain here in this world until he, and the two other dimensional beings, are done with what they came here to do. The two dimensional beings informed him that he is not to disclose the information, knowledge and practices to anyone - otherwise - they'd remove him from the world in an instant and will not be glorified after death. They showed him what would become of him if he'd dare utter one word of his coming to earth, his preparation and training - they showed him 'hell' - then showed him a place with the Masters in the heaven's of existence - most profound option of course - and thus Saint Germain agreed.

The 'part' / 'position' of himself within and of the 'Great Design' was not disclosed to him - he was said not to question - but to trust - for he will do great things in this world and become a great and renowned man for many times to come - and would exist infinitely in this world.

Unbeknown to Saint Germain is that he was to become the 'design' of the Christ consciousness system within and of the unified consciousness field - to which many human beings 'wish' / 'desire' to attain - through ascension - become a Ascended Master / Christ Consciousness or even God Consciousness - part of the 'Grand Enslavement System Design' within and of the unified consciousness field - to enslave human beings within and of separation as their individual mind consciousness system pre-programmed / pre-ordained life path experiences.

This is why Saint Germain 'lived longer' in this world - the 'elixir of life' is having no mind - not existing within the space time continuum of past, present or future - but 'multidimensionally' within and of the unified consciousness field - yet not interdimensionally - he did not have access to the dimensions but through the two dimensional beings who appeared to him when necessary.

His 'mind' moved very fast yet very slow - had 'photographic memory' and thus 'learned' and 'grasped' instantaneously - he was not 'normal' as all other human beings at the 'time' he existed - therefore - would have been termed 'mad' / 'crazy'.

He was not allowed to document anything of his experience - nor of himself - only certain events would be documented while in the presence of others - yet this was all part of the design of Christ / God Consciousness within the unified consciousness field of this reality - to which many human beings in the years / times to come would wish / desire to attain to or ascend as.

He, Saint Germain, had much knowledge and information of how this reality and the dimensions operate - gathered from the two dimensional beings who walked with him during his lifetime on earth - how to regenerate, rejuvenate his human physical body - how you exist infinitely because death doesn't exist - he thus didn't fear death because the two dimensional beings revealed to him the knowledge and information of existence.

He was directed by the two dimensional beings all his life - exactly what to do, how to do it, where to go, where to stay, who to meet and who to speak to etc. He trusted them (the two dimensional beings) exceptionally.

Primarily - all part of a mind consciousness system design within all of humanity within and of the unified consciousness field - still influencing, enslaving human beings to this day.

The being as Saint Germain did not reincarnate again on earth.

El Morya

Was manifested here on earth as a being without a mind consciousness system to establish a movement - a movement that would influence, enslave many human beings for 'times' to come - in hope, faith and worship in a separate manifested greater source that self.

All part of the White Light enslavement design as 'proof' for human beings to 'believe' in ascension - then commit and dedicate their lives to ascension and the 'Ascended Masters' of apparent 'greater profound knowledge / wisdom' - 'offering' themselves to the 'ascension construct / system' of the White Light within and of the unified consciousness field of this reality.

He did 'ascend' - there was a 'specialized' gridline structure placed within and around him - that 'dispersed' his human physical body into atomic/molecular structure - then he as a being remained in the dimensions.

Returned to earth through channeling through other human beings as an 'Ascended Master' - obviously now 'gaining' trust and validity for his 'stature' and standing because he 'ascended' and is thus now a 'Ascended Master'.

A method used of mind manipulation for human beings to 'follow' and 'worship' such a being as an 'Ascended Master' who ascended from earth and now communicates from the dimensions.

Yet when this being 'ascended' - he was manifested in the dimensions with a mind consciousness system - with specific words to be spoken to other human beings on earth in support of the enslavement of 'ascension' and the following and worship of many human beings in 'spiritual evolution' of ascension.

The White Light knew that human beings need to 'see' proof of something 'great' before they'd offer themselves totally and completely to such a belief/following in worshipping another - and so it was designed within and of the unified consciousness field of this existence.

El Morya was no other incarnations before or after his appearance on earth - the many incarnations was said to human beings as such to validate his 'wisdom' according to apparent experience of 'greatness' - this to be 'seen' and 'honoured' by many as 'Master'.


'Part of' the Masters of the White Light construct / system - lived and then ascended from earth to establish themselves as 'Ascended Masters' to support movements and establishments in this world to enslave human beings further within and of separation.

This establishment of 'Ascended Masters' had been 'pre-ordained' within and of unified consciousness field of this reality by the White Light - thus have beings 'incarnate' within this world, without a mind consciousness system, and then 'ascend' by placing a specialized gridline structure within and around them that 'dispersed' their human physical body into atomic/molecular structure - then as a being remained in the dimensions. Thus - validating and proof for human beings to have to believe and worship and follow and attain and ascend to 'Ascended Master' status. Kuthumi was another manifestation that was 'part of' the grand design of the establishments of movements within and of this world e.g. Helena Blavatsky and Alice Bailey that presented a 'new movement' / establishment within this world together with the 'Ascended Masters' that had gone before them: All 'part of' the White Light enslavement system.

Thus - Kuthumi was prepared to be able to direct Alice Bailey and Helena Blavatsky in establishing the new age movement - or a new movement - to 'change' or direct the minds of many in pre-occupation with another differentiation of spirituality.

All of this - all the 'Ascended Masters' 'played' the integral role in establishing movement or change a course in humanity in manifesting another different outflow of belief, worship, faith and hope as religion or spirituality - all pre-ordained and pre-programmed.

Then as Kuthumi was in the dimensions - as a dimensional being prepared with a mind consciousness system to assist and support Helena Blavatsky and Alice Bailey in manifesting a movement on earth to influence and enslave human beings in further separation.

Djwhal Khul

Djwal Khul was the exact same manifestation of this world as Kuthumi - together in establishing the movement and direction of changing the course of influencing the minds of many human beings through Alice Bailey and Helena Blavatsky.

There were many beings manifested on earth without a mind consciousness system - to live here and exist here for a moment - to gain substantiality and validity for what they'll become and do after death as a 'Ascended Master' - all part of the White Light's establishment of 'Ascended Masters' here on earth and within the dimensions.

Alice Bailey and Helena Blavatsky were manifested with a specialized mind consciousness system as were Djwal Khul and Kuthumi when they were in the dimensions - all to support, establish and manifest the 'new changed movement' within this world to influence the minds of many - to trap and enslave within and of a movement / following within and as the unified consciousness field.

Djwhal Khul and Kuthumi did not have any incarnations before - only once as how they are known now to establish themselves within this world and the minds of many - as said - the 'previous incarnations' were just used to make them be 'more profound' and 'greater' of superiority - so they may hold man in the palm of their hand and do, direct and control with them as they please.


Another manifestation of the unified consciousness field, pre-programmed and pre-ordained by the White Light within and of this reality, to enslave human beings in this teachings of Buddhism - to remain enslaved for 'time' to come in belief/hope and faith and thus to remain so - for the remainder of their lives.

Maitreya has not incarnated as anyone or anything - remains a voice - a mind consciousness dimensional system to have human beings remain lost and enslaved within and of their own beliefs/faiths/religions.

Will thus 'appear' or be 'seen' or be 'recognized' by human beings through their own mind consciousness systems to continue to support the manifestation of many human beings' beliefs in such a manifestation as Maitreya.

Sanat Kumara

Another example of a manifestation to proliferate belief/faith/hope and profound and great authority and superiority - within and as and of the minds of many human beings on earth.

Understand - any Deity, Ascended Master - that is a 'God' position within a following / movement is of the White Light enslavement pre-programmed / pre-ordained system within this world - placed and manifested / originated and designed to enslave human beings within and of separation.

As explained above - all such beings were specifically placed and designed here on earth and in the hereafter through the White Light / Anu to have human beings and also dimensional beings remain enslaved within and as their own mind consciousness systems - through movements, religions and followings - such beings as explained above / indicated above were the benchmarks or pillars of establishing and manifesting such movements / followings within this world.

Such manifestations / placements / positions / stature / definition no longer exist within the dimensions - in the dimensions - all are beings within and as oneness and equality within and as human beings to direct and support them effectively in every moment to realize who you are within and as oneness and equality of life: Without the mind.

Babaji, Kriya Toga and the Siddhas


I'm wondering what the deal is with Kriya Yoga, Babaji, and the teachings of the siddhas. It would be interesting to see what Paramahansa Yogananda has to say about this. Yes, I've read the Autobiography of a Yogi and also Babaji and the 18 siddhas. Is Kriya Yoga something we should practice? Is there anything about it that we should avoid? Also, it would be interesting to hear more about Babaji to clarify what he is all about. And the siddhas: supposedly they are perfected beings that have attained immortality. But look, it's there again: they have "attained" immortality. Any opinions?


With regards to Babaji and Kriya Yoga: They're presentation and manifestation in this world was still of this world within and as the unified consciousness field - based and founded within and as knowledge and information:

Not the practical simplicity living example of life as life within and as oneness and equality as the breath as the moment - stopping the mind and living the words as one as equal as you in every moment within and as oneness and equality as all as one as equal: The living word - the living expressive example of life as the statement of you that you live, express and apply within and as support and assistance for all as one as equal as you.

The statements and practices do not support and assist all life within and as oneness and equality as self of life here as the breath within and as practical living application in every moment as every moment.

'Awakening' is the 'awakening of the mind' - super consciousness - 'supreme being' of the unified consciousness field - while who you are, sleeps and slumbers within you, suppressed and hidden and unaware. This is the foundation of Babaji and Kriya Yoga: 'Supreme being consciousness' within and of the unified consciousness field, based on knowledge and information without a practical simple way of living that assist and support all life within and as oneness and equality as you in every moment of every breath - actually living and applying who you are - no mind of thoughts, feelings and emotions - YOU as the expression of life as the living word.

Therefore - here: Stop the mind, live as the moment as the breath within and as self honesty as you, apply self forgiveness and self corrective application - live words as you as one and equal as you - expressing and experiencing the living word as who you are - no mind.

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj


He was "termed enlightened" by most humans that knew him. He has said the same thing Desteni is saying. That you are not the mind or the body you are much more than that. And that identifying with the mind is what causes suffering. The mind is false. If you want to know who you are go beyond the mind. Anyway I was wondering if he would do an interview. Or is he so free of this illusion he could not even be found...


I suggest read through the following articles:

http://desteni.org/a/paramahansa-yogananda-i-did-not-accept-myself-as-god (Paramahansa Yogananda)

http://desteni.org/a/swami-muktananda-in-the-beginning-was-the-word-and-the-word-was-god-and-the-word-was-with-god (Swami Muktananda)

http://desteni.org/a/osho-i-am-the-living-word-in-every-moment (Osho - I am the living word in every moment)

And also a perspective I have given another being on the Forum:

Quote: So Now in my experience during forgiveness, i am using words like, "I am not my mind" or "my mind is not who I really am" Yet, this is not so. I at the moment am my mind so when i use the above phrasing, I am actually lying to myself. I speak these phrases and then say to myself "but actually you are these things" However I am working through them. I am wondering how to reconcile these points. To affirm the truth that I am still a mind consciousness system at the moment but not to give my power as myself as "who i really am" to it. You see this "who I really am" seems like a future version of myself when i am no longer of mind. Actually, I "really am" A mind consciousness system still so why would i say I'm not! you see where I'm at. Still separating myself from my mind, not seeing it as one with me, believing that i must separate my mind from who i really am. Maybe I am supposed to stop my mind but not separate it from who I am as oneness. but that seems pointless also, like carrying around a big rock that really is just extra weight serving no purpose. Humm... thanks

I understand your experience - let's look at it this way:

First step: Stand within and as oneness and equality as yourself - meaning - standing within and as oneness and equality as you as a mind consciousness system - no separation 'from' the mind as thoughts, feelings, emotions, systems - because in this moment - it's who you are and what you are - thus - you're 'allocating' yourself - your 'finding' your 'allocation' as a mind consciousness system within and as the unified consciousness field. Standing within and as oneness and equality as what you are and who you are in this moment.

Second Step: You know - (knowledge) that you are not a mind consciousness system -meaning that 'who you really are' is not a mind consciousness system - you know (knowledge) who you really are, is life within and as oneness and equality as all as one as equal. Now - you as a mind consciousness system - must birth yourself from system - to/as life within and as oneness and equality as all as one as equal.

Now - to place this knowledge of who you are in practical application - the process of living who you are as life within and as oneness and equality as all as one as equal - the 'tools' are given: Self honesty, self forgiveness, self statements, self corrective application and breathing - living the tools as you to assist and support you within your process of birthing yourself as life from the physical from a mind consciousness system as what and who you are currently in this moment.

Third Step: With you standing within and as oneness and equality as yourself as a mind consciousness system - together with these tools - in placing the knowledge into application of who you are as life within and as oneness and equality as all as one as equal - when you make the statement: I am not the mind - this is not done within / of separation - this is then a statement of realization of you - because you know who you really are is not the mind - and you're currently within this process of realizing yourself as who you really are as life within and as oneness and equality as all as one as equal through practically applying yourself in every moment as every breath.

Because the statement: 'I am not the mind' is a directive statement, you as a mind consciousness system making the statement that this is not who you really are - when standing / as standing within and as oneness and equality as the entirety of you as a mind consciousness system - no separation - here you have the ability to direct yourself effectively within and as your process of realizing you as life - if in separation - that which you stand within and as separation of - will direct / control you -then - no movement/self direction possible.

Sri H.W.L. Poonja


Who was Sri H.W.L. Poonja?


Sri H.W.L Poonja is an example of 'God/Christ Consciousness' manifestations on earth. Such human beings that 'attained' such a 'becoming' was manifested and infused with specialized mind consciousness system - thus only a select few of this world - making it impossible for anyone else/any 'normal' human being to 'attain' to such a 'becoming'. Therefore - furthering the construct and mission of enslavement and separation in this world. To have such being that are of 'God/Christ Consciousness' be 'worshipped' - no equality and oneness.

Manifest only a select few to 'attain' apparent 'greatness' of 'God/Christ Consciousness' so other may be lost in worship, praise, faith, belief and hope - without ever having the ability to 'attain' or 'become' as those who manifest as 'God/Christ Consciousness'. Dedicating their lives to nothing - because the many have been manifested with 'normal' mind consciousness systems and will for the remainder of their life be enslaved and controlled within and as hope, belief, faith and worship in the desire/want/need to 'attain' to the 'becoming' / 'experience' of such a 'state of being': But they never will.

Thus - Sri H.W.L Poonja - an example of a specialized mind consciousness system as 'God/Christ Consciousness'.


The Crimson Council


The Crimson Council is what is referred to as: a 'White Light Religion'.

Deeksha energy and the Bhagavan oneness university


Is Deeksha Energy and the Bhagavan University assisting me in understanding Oneness?


I have taken a look at your question and I have some insight for you. I read some of the information on the web site you were referring to and I noticed the following. Firstly what I noticed is that the words truly are expressive about what oneness could mean for each being. Consciousness in an attempt to understand oneness has created what I see to be an oval shaped egg within each being that utilizes and practices such modalities. This is what it looks like:

Within each being that participates in for example a modality that works towards individual and collective oneness, there is an egg shaped sphere of consciousness words, ideas, practices and beliefs. Once for example a person decides to 'dedicate' themselves to such a practice they listen intently to what the enlightened ones who have gone before them have to say. They read the books and they intently watch what the 'enlightened masters' did, and remember to follow them. This in itself is not such a train wreck because hey we all sometimes listen to the advise given by those that have gone before us so that we are able to assist ourselves in understanding about ourselves what they have! However in the case of this consciousness sphere it 'collects' all relevant information about oneness and enlightenment and places it is this sphere that runs in a circular shape in your body. If you were to imagine a huge egg of revolving/evolving 'energy' that fills the entire inside of you from under your chin to where your legs start. This huge ball of 'revolving' information is as I mentioned what consciousness fills up as a huge ball of expression that comes from others, yet eventually when you start looking inward - becomes you!

That feeling that they speak about where people start looking within and feeling themselves - well that is the sphere of information. This is how it works: Each time you read or hear something that a very 'wise' person or web site is telling you, the mind consciousness 'information' center locks onto the words and places it into this sphere. Now it is creating oneness, just like a big mixing bowl in which you start placing 'ingredients. Now each time you participate in this 'placement' of the wisdom of another within you, you are filling and filling this sphere and after a while you actually start to 'feel' and 'see' what they see and feel. It is called the collective expression of all the parts of information that you have placed that now creates the outcome.

Many walk around expressing themselves but all that they are accessing is the information that is circulating itself around in their body of which in this case it is in this sphere shape. Why sphere? Well look down to your chest as if you are accessing you. feel yourself close to you as if you are stable and complete.....well that is why it is sphere shape. It is the placement of this information right under your chin where you would start accessing wholeness and stability. As if your entire torso is filled with a stable warmth and a consistency that fills you up with a love for the world, other beings and yourself. If a rocket were to come out of the sky you would stand tall because you are so filled up with oneness and enlightenment. You see how this filling of the entire chest cavity is where one accesses this? So what are you filled with? Words, feelings and ideas about oneness.

I am not saying that people are not intentional about oneness but within consciousness we just create that which consciousness does not understand actually - it is just a program. A very clever one (from a programed perspective) because it places within the human physical body exactly what requires to be placed for you to experience something. So, what happens when a being requires to experience something which they unbeknown to them are filling from the expression outside of them? Well what I suggest is that you stop firstly asking another how to feel like oneness and how to act like oneness.

My words are very simply put but that is what happens here. Somebody saw another appear to understand oneness and now they obviously ask 'well how did you do it'. The thing here is that the minute you ask and you are not aware of yourself you start seeing this sphere effect and you don't know if it is you experiencing 'oneness' or just the expression of the placement within you of information (the sphere).

This point is interesting because what each being experiences as oneness will come from their own journey of participation, awareness, responsibility and honesty. Practically oneness in this world is each persons practical application and awareness of THEMSELVES. To follow direction from another is cool if you apply and become the solution in your world as yourself. Do you see the difference between following words and feelings expressed through another and actually using tools that assist you in practically living. The answer in this world is beyond consciousness.

It is the stripping clean of each person and the practical awareness together with honesty that directs a being to the becoming of themselves as one and equal with all. What i am saying is to walk together with all beings that are understanding themselves and assist yourself, but ask yourself: Are the feelings of oneness and enlightenment real? If I feel oneness what does that feel like? What does it feel like when i have words and knowledge floating around within me? Is it a feeling or real? Is real how i express myself within honesty and awareness of my actions in this world? Perhaps we have made a mole heap out of the idea of oneness when we place good feelings and wonderful sun sets in our 'bodies'. So I see the difference for between the sphere of information (the sphere of oneness information) and oneness with ME and who I am. I realize for example that I am one and equal to all things already therefore to focuses on special foods and meditation is not necessary.

What does that leave me with? Am i able to direct my words, my actions, my understanding of myself, quieten the mind and walk in each moment? That surely is what this world asks of each one. The waking up and becoming the living answer, Not a feeling or accomplishment that I have been told is oneness. When I trust myself through proving to me that I am applying myself I will stand firm and stable. This stability however comes from each person proving to themselves that they are able to take responsibility for themselves and therefore trust themselves. Not a feeling, not a good intention. And even then what do you do when you are able to direct yourself? How does that affect the world practically? Practical living as self - as the answer. Then when you have proven it to yourself you experience yourself as this. This is what it means to not place something outside of you but to walk it practically as yourself.

Also imagine for a moment that you have been learning from a master and now you understand what he did and now you are the master. That means that the next person is beneath you as you are again the master. Is that oneness and equality or a race between masters? So you are either the master or you don't know what the master knows. Therefore you open yourself up to the master and you say - master please tell me how to experience myself. Is it a journey you are on to build trust in you or in the masters? Has mastery gotten us anywhere? So I suggest we just apply ourselves and support each other and each figures them out and creates them for themselves and then we re-create this world as ourselves.

Dwjal Khul "the tibetan"


This entity worked with blavatsky and Alice Bailey in the service of the "one" that wanted to be "god"--this entity no longer exist but in some preprogrammed mind systems of human beings.

Ascension and the significance of Lord of the ring


Lord of the Rings - can someone tell me the significance of the ring or rings in this movie. Does it symbolize the time construct? Like you are married to your mind. It's like everything is canceling out or snake biting its own tail. A mobius coil is when you take a flat ban ring cut it in have rotate one end of the cut ban (180 degrees) and reconnect it It's and infinite loop with end no matter what side you choose. From the side it looks like a figure 8.

What are the significance of primary colors and when were they made?


The Ring signifies the 'infinite cycle' of consciousness - the infinite 'time loop' as the loop the loop of the ring - never ending: This is the design of the mind - to be destroyed of the fire of life burning within and as you as who you are within and as oneness and equality.

Therefore - we stop the mind - we stop the infinite continuous cycles of consciousness of the mind.

Colors - the primary colors were designed for the 'determining' of specific emotions and feelings of the mind consciousness system for dimensional beings and demons to be able to identify, through seeing and interpreting the colors dimensionally - which is which specific emotion and feeling within and as the human physical body of the mind consciousness system Thus - specific emotions and feelings had specific color connected to them for dimensional beings to determine which color is which specific emotions and feelings - this connected to the Chakra System.



HOW to take re-birth the way we can be free from our delusions ?


I would not refer to the experience as ‘re-birth’ though, as we have never been ‘birthed’, actually really ‘birthed’ – as the emergence of ourselves as Life as all as one as equal. The mind manifestation which human beings have come to believe is ‘who they are’ is the very manifestation we are here to stop – to ‘cease the existence of the mind’ for Life is as who are to ‘step forth’. It is thus to free yourself within the containment and contamination of you within and as the mind – existing within separation of who you are due to accepted and allowed participation in the mind. And the process of doing so is: Self forgiveness, self honesty, self corrective application, writing yourself to freedom together with self forgiveness done and focusing on your breathing = so you within and during a process stop participation in the mind and realize you.