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2007 - 2008

The Food Crisis and Directing myself

You are coming from fear - see? The portal is not something to believe in -or a religion - more than sufficient info about what goes on inside you have been given.

The food stock point-up is common sense -the floods around the world destroyed major crops, as have pests and rodents - see the news. Then there is the pressure on money. The current money system is based on debt - so- when debt reduces -money becomes less. Food prices will go up - so stock up from that perspective.

On money in the banks: Eventually all money as we know it will stop - but for the moment it is required.

Understand that the game played in the world is done for a few to have all power, some countries will have more problems than others - this is based on history and the abuse of power. The world must and will change; in this there is common sense, because when one has money while another starves is unacceptable, so convincing your mom to hide money is a fear - what is the point? She is in her process - and you in yours.

You are fortunate to be where you are supported - many are not so fortunate and must do all kinds of things for food. Your process is self-honesty or if not self abuse that will become the abuse of others. In this you decide who will be the master - you or your desires. To base though your foundation of self-movement on anything outside you - only abdicate your responsibility to yourself. So - you decide - are you manipulating your money out of your own fear? Are you really applying your own discipline within yourself or looking for a way out to not take responsibility?

The portal is not going to save you from yourself. You are going to do it for you or not do it for you, that is really irrelevant to anyone but yourself and is the same for all beings.

Fortunately for those that do not do it this life there is death and so all will face this self inevitably and all will stand alone and stand up eventually, that is determined by self and no outside point will be able to be blamed.

So - this is your crossroad - who are you? Who will you be for you? What will you be able to live with, within yourself?

You are your own temple. What will you allow in it? Only you will know the truth on earth - that is how it is on earth - after death though all is revealed to be faced. We propose doing it on earth, but not a requirement - each in there own process. I know - either here or hereafter, you will stand up and walk with me as life - as equal and one.

Applying Self within Reality


Hello, i have a problem since my whole life probably. It's about knowledge, is like i can't absorb knowledge that without a aplication instantly to something it dissapear in a instant. if i don't apply that i'm reading it dissapear.

For example, i start to read a manual to how a program works. so my first impression is, "oh i don't understand nothing , lets grab the program and play.

I "feel" that tiredness when i try to read something. i've made a self search and what ive found is , myself with the question , "ok but where i can apply this?" "i need to apply this" "it's useless" and in some form i have fear to something, i'm not clear in this, i had fear to something that i can't remember exactly.

I've tested if the problem was "if i'm not good enough" or something like that but isn't that now , it used to be a problem but not now.

Perhaps i've separated my self from knowledge with the definition of "it's useless" and that's the playout of this self programing?

i know that knowledge is shit without application, but in terms of study something is a problem and this world works with knowledge, i have to find a method to study and apply and the same time, i'm not sure how to deal with this.


A point to consider with regards to you particular reaction to 'Knowledge' is that, in fact - everything you participate-within in your reality is 'manifested-knowledge': Education, Television, Communication, Participation - everything exist-within and has been manifested/created from/as Knowledge, what we are as the Mind is manifested knowledge and information infused/substantiated with/as energy and personalized with preference/morality, creating 'individualized personalities'.

So, if you self-honestly have a look, you don't actually have a reaction towards Knowledge-itself, otherwise you would have had a equal-reaction to/towards everything and everyone in your reality/existence, you have a particularly-specific reaction to/towards that which you require to apply discipline and effort towards obtaining to become practical in this world/reality. Therefore, it's not the manual or the Knowledge that you're reacting to - you're reacting to the fact that you have to walk a process, step by step in reality and actually apply/live discipline and concentration/effort.

So - got to look at the point of laziness and postponement in yourself in relation to your world/reality where you want things to happen/manifest immediately or quickly, without having to go through the discipline / effort to manifest it as you. Therefore, the 'problem' is not the knowledge, the problem is 'you' not wanting to discipline yourself and apply the effort to walk something here in the physical, step by step.

Got some self-honest points to consider.
