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An act of taking Self-Responsibility for one's own deeds, actions, consequences, thoughts, beliefs, ideas and who one is in it's entirety. Creating a way for oneself, giving self to self as one releases emotional, feeling and thought baggage. A specific decision to stop something that one realizes is harmful, abusive or does not serve oneself or others.

Basic Guideline for Applying Self-Forgiveness

  1. Identify the problem, issue or pattern I participate within. It's recommended to take on a small aspect or part of the problem that one is able to clearly describe and identify in words and walk the whole process of Self-Forgiveness within and as this aspect. Only when that is completed one should proceed with the next aspect of the problem one wants to sort out and let go of.
  2. Describe the problem, issue or pattern in writing in as much details as possible. Identify the starting points, processes and outcomes. Describe the feelings and emotional states one is in and participates within in relation to the problem at hand.
  3. Go step by step through the writing/description of the problem and apply Self-Forgiveness in relation to each point in as much detail and specificity as possible. Approach each point from different perspectives and angles.
  4. Stick to the Self-Forgiveness done. This means not repeating the same mistakes again, participating in the same patterns again or speaking the same words again that I've forgiven myself for and as. This is the practical application of self-forgiveness where one proves to oneself the change is indeed real. Without standing as your self-forgiveness and proving it indefinitely the self-forgiveness is useless.

Examples of Self-Forgiveness

  • I forgive myself for accepting and allowing to believe that I do not have to take responsibility in changing the current world as it exist in the moment.
  • I forgive myself for accepting and allowing to fear and believe that I am not good enough or too week to do something about the world situation as it currently exists as accepted and allowed abuse, exploitation and constant fear of survival.

2007 - 2008

The dictionary for applying Self-Forgiveness


Can we use a dictionary for applying Self-Forgiveness? Do you want me to apply Self-Forgiveness for everything I do, sense there is no right or wrong?


If you have the 'time' you can do a page or so out of a dictionary a day. I did that a while back too. Just sat with a dictionary and flipped through the pages and any word that 'jumped' out at me I did forgiveness on. I also did it with a Louise Hay book on metaphysics.

There is no right or wrong - just what supports you and each person and animal in this world and is self-honest in the moment.

A Self-Forgiveness Experience


I wanted to message you to tell you that I was watching a video about forgiveness, and then I watched your main video about the importance of forgiving oneself. Everyone knows about forgiveness, but not very much about "self-forgiveness."

I guess I finally understood. I made a list of people that I felt had hurt me. It was a loooong list. Then I went through and said "I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to feel hurt by (whoever). Then I went through and said "I forgive you (whoever).

I'm only 1/3 through my list, and my stomach area is no longer a hole. It has strength and feels like there is a balloon blowing up inside of it. I cannot believe how much better I feel. It's some kind of strength.

Anyway, I wanted to tell you about it, and thank you for your work. You're helping people, if they would only listen. You are pretty advanced for the general public.

I also have studied a bit of Gurdjieff. I found some of his books with his actual teachings in them when I was on my spiritual quest about 12 years ago. I was doing the stop exercise, and also the part where you look at things that have happened in the past, and look at them through adult eyes. Wow! I did have the same thing happen to me when I did these examinations of important things in the past. Right around my rib cage, it felt like a balloon was blowing up inside of me. It's energy, right?

Nothing bothered me for 5 days. I kept looking at the ground because I couldn't say that my feet were touching the ground. It didn't feel like they touching. It was an incredible experience.

Anyway, you are a very unusual and advanced person. Thank you for your work. Your emphasis on forgiving oneself is very advanced knowledge, and it works! I hope you continue to tell people how important it is, and that they can make progress and see results "immediately." That's what it was, immediate. I wonder how long it would take a psychologist to produce results like that. Probably never.


To assist further, with regards to self-forgiveness – is to be specific within the self-forgiveness applied – the specificity within the application of self-forgiveness will assist within the specificity of the release and realization within and as and of self.

Realize it is important in assisting and supporting self to apply self-forgiveness within absolute self-honesty – because if self-forgiveness is merely empty words spoken, the memories remain and suppression of self of the mind is enhanced.

Therefore, the ‘most effective’ was, as I would suggest, is to actually ‘write’ that which you have experienced within you towards the beings, and to as and while and during you write – to apply self-forgiveness. Because realize, that what we experience within ourselves – towards anyone or anything, that someone or something towards which we have reacted within ourselves in thought or deed, is but a reflection of what is existent within ourselves.

For instance, an example: Let us say you were within a situation of confrontation with another human being, and thoughts of judgment and ridicule entered your mind. The suggestion is to apply self-forgiveness for the judgments and ridicules within one’s mind as for instance: I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to think within me, that he is a self-centered bastard. And so you continue with the thoughts and reactions within you directed towards another as you. Because when you judge someone within you, within the mind = your judgment-reaction ‘shows you’ – that, that which the other person did that caused the judgment, you’re actually also doing to others – the other person, was merely showing, what you accept and allow within you also to do/speak towards others.

So, whenever something irritates you, or frustrates you, or angers you, meaning ‘triggers a reaction within you’ – realize that that person is actually representing what you’re still accepting and allowing to exist within and as you. So, what you do, in assisting and supporting you effectively – is firstly: When a reaction is triggered within you – apply self-forgiveness for the thoughts and emotions as reactions experienced within you – until there exist no movement within you. Then you have a look at where and when within your world – do you do that exact same thing as the person did who triggered the reaction of irritation/frustration/sadness/anger/judgment within you. From here – you assist and support you within self-corrective application to stop acting/doing that very same thing. This is self-forgiveness, applied in self-honesty together with self-corrective application applied in self-honesty = where within self-forgiveness, you recognize and realize what you have accepted and allowed, and within this realization – you stop what you have accepted and allowed within practical application = so you purify you completely.

The same goes for instance within comparison – when you think/believe within yourself that someone is ‘more than you’, then that aspect of them you think ‘makes them more than you’ – you have no accepted and realized as you, yourself. For instance, let’s say you view/experience another human being as ‘more’ ‘open’ than you are – and compare your ‘openness’ towards another, herein, realize – that because the comparison exists – that you have actually not accepted and realized you as openness, and the comparison within you, towards another = reveals that which you haven’t accepted and realized as yourself. So, here – again, first apply self-forgiveness for the mind-activity: I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to compare ‘openness’ towards another human being and define ‘openness’ within another human being in separation of me. I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to separate me from openness. I accept me as openness. Then, whenever a comparison of openness towards another come up again – you stop the comparison within the mind, and state: I am openness.

So, the specificity within self-forgiveness applied in self-honesty together with self-corrective application – will determine the specificity of self-expression in self-trust here.

No – the ‘blowing up’ is not ‘energy’, ‘energy’ is a limited design of the mind, representing the ‘life force’ of the mind, and you as who you really are is not energy as life for of the mind. The experience you’re having is the suppression of you that is ‘releasing’ – and the expression of you ‘stepping forth’ within and as you. It’s actually a ‘release’ that is experienced.

The ‘floating experience’ is also that of ‘release’ – though, to assist and support you to not define yourself in separation according to an ‘experience’ as that of release – stabilize yourself here, stabilize yourself within and as your breathing, and ensure you are self-aware here within and as your human physical body as you. This is done by being aware of the tips of your toes and tips of your fingers – which will assist and support to ensure you’re HERE within and as breath within and as the physical human body – not ‘losing yourself’ within an experience = which would be separation.

The reason I suggested the writing also, is that it’ll assist within specificity of self-forgiveness applied within self-honesty.

(Bruce L.)

Self Forgiveness and Separation


So now in my experience during forgiveness, i am using words like, "I am not my mind" or "my mind is not who I really am" Yet, this is not so. I at the moment am my mind so when i use the above phrasing, I am actually lying to myself. I speak these phrases and then say to myself "but actually you are these things" However I am working through them.

I am wondering how to reconcile these points. To affirm the truth that I am still a mind consciousness system at the moment but not to give my power as myself as "who i really am" to it. You see this "who I really am" seems like a future version of myself when i am no longer of mind. Actually, I "really am" a mind consciousness system still so why would i say I’m not! You see where I’m at. Still separating myself from my mind, not seeing it as one with me, believing that i must separate my mind from who i really am. Maybe I am supposed to stop my mind but not separate it from who I am as oneness. But that seems pointless also, like carrying around a big rock that really is just extra weight serving no purpose.


I understand your experience - let's look at it this way:

First step: Stand within and as oneness and equality as yourself - meaning - standing within and as oneness and equality as you as a mind consciousness system - no separation 'from' the mind as thoughts, feelings, emotions, systems - because in this moment - it's who you are and what you are - thus - you're 'allocating' yourself - your 'finding' your 'allocation' as a mind consciousness system within and as the unified consciousness field. Standing within and as oneness and equality as what you are and who you are in this moment.

Second Step: You know - (knowledge) that you are not a mind consciousness system -meaning that 'who you really are' is not a mind consciousness system - you know (knowledge) who you really are, is life within and as oneness and equality as all as one as equal. Now - you as a mind consciousness system - must birth yourself from system - to/as life within and as oneness and equality as all as one as equal.

Now - to place this knowledge of who you are in practical application - the process of living who you are as life within and as oneness and equality as all as one as equal - the 'tools' are given: Self honesty, self-forgiveness, self-statements, self-corrective application and breathing - living the tools as you to assist and support you within your process of birthing yourself as life from the physical from a mind consciousness system as what and who you are currently in this moment.

Third Step: With you standing within and as oneness and equality as yourself as a mind consciousness system - together with these tools - in placing the knowledge into application of who you are as life within and as oneness and equality as all as one as equal - when you make the statement: I am not the mind - this is not done within / of separation - this is then a statement of realization of you - because you know who you really are is not the mind - and you're currently within this process of realizing yourself as who you really are as life within and as oneness and equality as all as one as equal through practically applying yourself in every moment as every breath.

Because the statement: 'I am not the mind' is a directive statement, you as a mind consciousness system making the statement that this is not who you really are - when standing / as standing within and as oneness and equality as the entirety of you as a mind consciousness system - no separation - here you have the ability to direct yourself effectively within and as your process of realising you as life - if in separation - that which you stand within and as separation of - will direct / control you -then - no movement/self-direction possible.

Thus - all that is required is:

1. Self-honesty in every moment when you see a thought, feeling and emotion arise within you - to immediately apply self-forgiveness

2. Self-forgiveness

3. Self-corrective application

4. Breathing

The process of stopping the mind is placed within the Structural Resonance documents - apply and live the 4 points in every moment of you - so you may live and experience the realisation of who you are of oneness and equality - WITH NO MIND.

First step: Stop the mind - you'll only know who you are/experience who you are/live who you are/understand who you are/speak who you are - when the mind stops.


Self-Forgiveness Examples

Getting Sick

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myslef to believe we can get sick and die I forgive myself taht I have accepted and allowed myself to worry about getting sick I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe in the idea of people getting sick I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed the idea that I can get sick that I bought into that idea that was programed into us to create fear and enslavement

I forgive myself that I let the mind tell me that I do not want to do self forgiveness I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed my self to not stand up more often and do the self forgiveness that is required for me to do to release the mcs pattering that I have accept and allowed I forgive myself that I have allowed myself to not stand up to the mind in these matters of doing self forgiveness

I forgive myself taht I have accepted and allow myself to not push myself through the resistance I have to write my book

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to judge another's illness for fear of looking and seeing my own. I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to judge an other when they get sick because I think them as weak if they get sick

I forgive myself that I have accept and allowed myself to judge myself as weak I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to judge others as weak and stupid when it is the mcs that has duped us into believing these things and it is not who we are I forgive myself for all the times that I have judged another as being weak and became angry at them, thus only to hide my own fear that I believe the same way. I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to carry this false image of myself as being "strong" from the very starting point of being afraid of my own weakness.

Oh My how I have judged others and their weakness! Only to cover up the weakness that I felt inside of myself about myself...

I forgive myself that I have accept myself to fear being weak I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed being "weak" as a failure of a human life. I forgive myself that I have feared being a failure.

What is a failure???? hmm I will look it up

Quote: 1. The condition or fact of not achieving the desired end or ends: the failure of an experiment. 2. One that fails: a failure at one's career. 3. The condition or fact of being insufficient or falling short: a crop failure. 4. A cessation of proper functioning or performance: a power failure. 5. Nonperformance of what is requested or expected; omission: failure to report a change of address. 6. The act or fact of failing to pass a course, test, or assignment. 7. A decline in strength or effectiveness. 8. The act or fact of becoming bankrupt or insolvent.

Hmmm so what to I fear failing at?

Everything I do! What a stupid fear!!

It is a judgment against myself that I am not good enough... Not Good enough at what? Less than... Less than what! ?

Self comparison

compare to what ?!

I STOP this comparison!

This is a ridiculous con-sept !! A con that we have accepted! WE have been lied to and made to believe that there are others better than ourselfs to we will allways be striving to be "something" better and we dont even know what that would be because there is NO END to it!

Thus we stay in constant separation and never get to Know OUR SELF.

A CON of Perception

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that this con is real I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to judge me in comparison to another