Suicide / 'Giving Up' / Guilt / Depression / Anger / Abuse

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Suicide / 'Giving Up' / Guilt / Depression / Anger / Abuse



Support Videos

Forum Desteni Support - What happens if I suppress myself, my thoughts, feelings, emotions ‪

Forum Desteni Support - How does Self-Forgiveness work and How do I know I'm effective? ‪

Practical Consequences of Suicide in the Afterlife ‪

David Hans Schmidt from Heaven - My Suicide

Marcus--My Suicide -Vlogs from AFTER LIFE

Ronald "Bo" Ward:AfterLife-- My CrossOver- My Suicide?

History of Man 61 -- Exposing DEPRESSION ‪


The DESIGN of ANXIETY in Solar Plexus


The DESIGN of Giving Up and Standing Up

Solution Series‪

AA 1 from Afterlife: Many Lives and still NO ANSWER

AA 2 from Afterlife: Destroying Life Because I Find no Point ‪ Chris Benoit from BEYOND THE GRAVE 1 of 3

Chris Benoit from BEYOND THE GRAVE 2 of 3 ‪ Chris Benoit from BEYOND THE GRAVE 3 of 3 ‪ Kurt Cobain 1 from the Afterlife: Desteni

Kurt Cobain 2 from the Afterlife: Desteni

Kurt Cobain 3 from the Afterlife: Desteni ‪ This is ED - Part 1 of 2 on ANGER - Vlogs from the AFTER LIFE

This is ED - Part 2 of 2 on ANGER - Vlogs from the AFTER LIFE

DIY Anger Management to prevent Violence ‪



Leticia Wright 1 - Abused child - from HEAVEN

History of Man 58 -- Reptilians and Child Abuse

Child Abuse Demon

Chat with an AK-47 Assault Rifle (A perspective on where anger originate from)

A history of Spiritual Deception from After Life - Uersti

Suicide and Cross Overs

No need to worry about those that pass over--they are fine and in their process to find self honesty as life

it is more pronounced for suicides--as they have to face what they ran from--their own separation from self as life

At this stage the dimensions are in very intensive self reflection --Understand that most of a being is no more upon death as the mind no longer exist and only sound exist as self

In itself it is difficult for us on earth to understand--but the very reason that we are unable to readily and consistently communicate to the dimensions as all of us--is enough to realise--we have very little real insight in what makes the total reality tick

We are investigating ways to be able to assist beings to become more effective upon death--this though is complex due to the no space no time situation the dead find themselves in--as that cause multi dimensional possibilities based on perceptions

be sure though that each being is taken care of

On passing--each is contained and clear of any earth system debris--then the being become universally aware as all knowledge of all time and all existence--this cause a quantum realisation of the bigger picture--

then the being enter a process of self forgiveness and self reflection on all past lives of all beings that has ever been to understand how we got to this position on earth--then the being are tested as to self honesty as life--and may incarnate or will assist the process of all in the journey to one and equal

we no longer do any readings with cross overs--we did many over the last few years--all experience exactly the same and it cause a problem where we are so swamped with requests--we do not get effectively to our primary focus--to find practical ways to assist humans to realize common sense and self honesty as life

That is also the reason why our interviews will change to focus on points that assist self realization Thanks for your support--i noticed your presence in the process.